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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. I call shenanigans on this. The two games are way too similar for you to have that opinion. You were probably just burned out on the game because you played ME2 too much. no shenanigans involved at all. I was shocked from the opening scene of ME 3 at how much i disliked the changes from ME2, then the removal of choice in my character (why in the f was sheperd all concerned about that little kid? sheperd kicks people out of windows and has killed thousands of men, shep had robot terminator scars from how corrupt she had become and she sure as hell didnt care about a stupid kid, and the game script was arguing with me about my character) then i go looking for my team, jack/legion and miranda. well guess what? apparently they aren't allowed to stay in my party because... i never found out why, i uninstalled because this was not the followup to ME2, it was just some overly scripted hamfisted sob story that had Mass Effect in the name. as far as im concerned ME2 ended with my party leaving to go to war, and they never returned.
  2. mass effect 3 was terrible from the opening scene 40 hours of garbage with a garbage ending though to be fair, i never saw the ending, the first half of the game was so bad i never bothered finishing it edit: and i was a huge fan of ME2, i played that game 3 times through
  3. lots of what tasaio is saying makes sense. if i cared more about the games, i'd actually be raging pretty hard now that i know part of the reason for the incoherent characters in starcraft 2 is because the game is assuming you read the books. almost as bad as the beginning of mass effect 3 making no sense if you didnt play one of the ME2 dlc's fortunately/unfortunately, mass effect 3 and starcraft 2 are mediocre enough that i don't really care that much, its just a tad disappointing i kinda feel like playing warcraft 2 again, but im sure the interface will drive me bonkers now (only being able to select a few soldiers at a time etc) qq
  4. started playing vampire:tm bloodlines for the first time, seems decent so far, like a way lower budget deus ex
  5. spent most of the day playing heart of the swarm, it's... ok. honestly, its probably my nostalgia goggles, but i remember the campaign from warcraft 2 and starcraft being miles better than those in warcraft 3 and starcraft 2
  6. i think it's refreshing, the internet could use more polite fellows.
  7. shouldnt be kickstarted just make it and sell it if you dont believe in the idea enough to spend your free time making it then why should anyone believe in you?
  8. yeah, but at least the story won't go completely unfinished if he kicks the bucket tomorrow
  9. i read in an article a year or so ago that mr. martin has outlined the last few books to the head producers of the HBO show, so that if he dies they are capable of completing the show, though no one will be allowed to complete the books
  10. playing heart of the swarm its good, i like tyranids story is overblown and melodramatic and heavy handed and ham fisted, the story in starcraft 1 was just as lame but was handled much more succinctly
  11. maybe torment fans are just moar hardcore than other rpg fans? would partially explain the initial burst of pledges and the faster leveling out (there are fewer, but more enthusiastic pledgers?) i dunno, just a not-thought-out theory
  12. i experienced the same issues with borderlands 2 as mkreku, i pretty much never found a gun i really liked using. after hitting level 25 with the turret guy i realized that all my kills were done by the turret because my guns felt useless. i switched to the assassin so i could at least kill stuff with a sword :\ its too bad, because other than the "no fun guns", the game is definitely an improvement over borderlands 1
  13. they need to get some detailed death animations in that game asap looks like it's got a lot of promise though, i wish i had contributed early on
  14. i dont see why a small-mid sized rpg company wouldnt always use kickstarter now, even if just to secure a certain number of "preorders" for the game and to gauge the core audiences enthusiasm for your project
  15. kicked in just for giggles, not expecting much out of this one though
  16. starting to get sleeping dogs fatigue at around the 18 hour mark i'll probably charge through the story quests so i can see how it all shakes out and then put it on the shelf for a few years. still, for a $15 game (steam sale) it was more than worth every penny. not sure what to play next. ni no kuni probably?
  17. i kind of remember soul reaver being a bit of a standout though? I didnt have any other games like that on the playstation 1, but maybe i just was living in a cave?
  18. i miss the old old old EA, but not enough to crowdfund a multiplayer iphone app
  19. if im not mistaken, kickstarter 3 million is worth more to a developer than a publisher's 3 million, because the developer owns the IP from a kickstarter
  20. well the problem with chris taylor being honest is most people don't care.... you are only as good as your best games, and chris taylors best games are pretty lousy imo but yeah, kickstarter is also a chance for devs to say to fans "put your money where your mouth is, if you want more games like torment, then preorder the game 2 years early" and the fans of course do, because we are nerds and we want
  21. Likely going to be a Darksiders clone but with better story. and i puked in my mouth a little darksiders was just awful though to be fair, i gave up on it after only about 2 hours, maybe it gets better? (doubt it...)
  22. still enjoying sleeping dogs, went through the zodiac tournament, it was easy except the timed fight. i had to redo it 4 times before finishing it in time. i realized finally that it really mattered what order you attacked the enemies. not sure why people thought you HAD to have lots of upgrades before tackling it, i only had collected 4 statues and I made it through without any real trouble
  23. kicked in, because if nothing else, i want to make sure that we get more crpg's, and more funding for them. edit: also, i like the numenera setting, and want to play an rpg in it. I would have backed this more whole-heartedly (ie, more than $30) if the game didnt have "torment" in the title. those are some big britches to fill and I don't like an untested developer climbing into them
  24. if a modern game could actually accomplish what soul reaver accomplished back in the ps1 days it would be awesome a mashup of a platformer and dark souls = teh awesomesauceness
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