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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i would totally be interested in REMshock. it'd be like inception with more robot monsters.
  2. ok so after mkreku's response, Gothic is going to the bottom of the pile since they are probably the longest games on this list, it sounds like Beyond Good and Evil, and the Longest Journey and Mask of the Betrayer are probably the ones I should tackle first.... I reordered the list in the quoted section to go along with how I'm perceiving all of your recommendations! Do any of you have a backlog this bad or am I just crazy? (note, I also left off all my gba and DS games that are half finished or unopened...)
  3. ok here goes, pardon the long post: I can't decide what to play, here is what I currently have on my plate (ie, I own all of these, and have yet to play them for more than a few minutes each...) Beyond Good and Evil Sanitarium Zelda Twilight Princess Psychonauts Metro 2033 Thief Deadly Shadows Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 2 + Expansion Earthbound Ico Shadow Hearts: Covenant Metroid Prime Trilogy Super Mario Galaxy Madworld Mask of the Betrayer Gothic Trilogy Grim Fandango The Longest Journey No More Heroes Valkyria Chronicles (i'm actually about 10 hours into this one but I put it down and havent picked it up again yet) Devil May Cry 4 Okami IL Sturmovik Persona 4 Xcom whew. That is the entirety of my backlog (unless you count the fact that I'm only halfway finished with both FF13 and Demon's Souls...) I have had some of these games in my backlog for over ten years. No joke. I basically am begging for help. I need to knock some of these out... which games should I play first/most important, also, if any of them are really short (ala mirrors edge type short) then please let that influence your recommendation so I can at least make the list smaller.... Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  4. system shock 3 system shock 3 system shock 3 ... if we all close our eyes and wish REALLY hard then it has to come true! right?
  5. I'm gortash the hortonicus' left eardrum
  6. what can you do on a console you cant do on a pc?
  7. to be honest, if someone told me they thought warhammer was a ripoff of warcraft, i would probably react the same way.
  8. i think he looks awesome, its a very pleasant surprise
  9. i've been hearing good things about fatal frame 2 directors cut, but it seems i'll have to track down a used copy if I want to play it...
  10. i knew you were gonna say something like that and i just walked right into it...
  11. I've been trying to think of good/decent games that are scary/horrific and there are not many rpgs/rpgish games here. What games am I missing? System Shock 2 Penumbra Condemned 1 and 2 Dead Space Silent Hill Fear Effect Shadow Hearts? ok, some of those could hardly be called rpgs, but they are fairly immersive nonetheless... is sanitarium a good game?
  12. i liked fallout 3. but it was no where near as good as fallout 1 (or 2) imo.
  13. rdr lousy? well, i dislike gta and halo so I guess to each their own, but I loved rdr. I too am worried that some of the towns will be underpopulated in new vegas, but my fingers are crossed... has anyone ever counted the npcs in shady sands (a small town) and compared them to the amount of npcs in any of the towns in bethfallout?
  14. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/eschalonbook1 eh. i'm looking for something more of this caliber: This is one of those rare games that oozes quality from every pore. Read Full Review > 91 Game Revolution The story is so well developed in this game you'll wonder why you've been playing mindless shooting games like "Quake." When you start the game you'll be treated to with one of the most chilling, well-written introductions a game has ever been blessed with. Read Full Review > 90 Adrenaline Vault Above all, the NPC interaction and voice acting are the best in any game to date. This game is possibly the best investment an RPG fan can presently make, and will prove entertaining for countless gaming hours. (these are the blurbs for this game btw ... http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...lout?q=fallout) (EDIT: then again, if you're telling me that eschalon is on par with fallout thats a different story and I am very intrigued...)
  15. just finished the campaign last night. great game, am starting a new campaign today, and will probably jump into multiplayer next week sometime. i expect to not enjoy multiplayer and will probably put the game away for a few months before I replay the campaign again or start into the custom maps that people make once i get tired of new vegas and civ 5.
  16. top down view is pretty much required for strategic rpg games like this. if the sequel is more like mass effect (ie an action game with rpg elements) then it certainly doesnt need a top down view. i like mass effect and dragon age. I think mass effect 2 is better than dragon age, but I will be sad if they change dragon age to be more like mass effect because i think there is room for both styles of game. still, if the console version of dragon age was a mess then I can (sadly) understand why they would change things, but still, it makes me sad that so few good rpgs are being released nowadays. I'd love it if a good final fantasy would come out again, and a good turn based rpg (ala fallout), and a good crpg (ala planescape torment, but I'll take dragon age and the witcher i guess in the meantime) at least diablo 3 is coming to satisfy my action rpg itch (and borderlands was good for this too, torchlight not so much for me) and my strategy itch is being doubly satisfied this year by civ 5 and starcraft 2. atmospheric shooters incoming as well (Rage and Fallout NV) .... there i go... rambling again... what was this thread about?? oh yeah, dragon age. keep dragon age seperate from mass effect, but I'll be happy enough if it's good. i'd rather 2 good action games than 1 good action game and one ****ty garbagefoot game
  17. blarg blarg. you're right its not fair to say "you aren't a real gamer cuz you like farmville", i just don't want that kind of lowest common denominator gamemaking to become any more prevalent than it is because the "easy" money might kill more interesting projects. bah. I'm still bitter that their aren't any more good turn based rpg's. I blame farmville. /end crazy rambling
  18. "I saw a Vault once, disgusting creatures"
  19. my point was that its not really "gaming" in the sense that resident evil, or ninja gaiden, or baldurs gate are gaming, how many games did you choose not to buy this year because you were playing farmville? my guess is none, because you and I are a different market than the 12 year old girls and soccer moms who like farmville. also: if this forum were about horror movies we wouldnt spend a lot of time worrying about how horror movies could get profits from soccer moms who only like to watch romantic comedies
  20. unless the game is totally different than part 1 I dont know how I could play it without top down view.... placing spells would be a nightmare....
  21. so long as hardcore mode feels like its adding to the experience and not just being a stupid meter you have to watch constantly then it should be good. I think its a very fine line to walk though...... in my mods I made stimpacks heal only 1hp, food was the main source of healing but food had far more radiation in it so you actually had to watch your rad levels, it made the game more immersive for me.
  22. maybe its just me, but I think farmville has as much to do with traditional gaming as video poker or computer solitaire does. sure they both are played on a computer, but the markets are not even remotely similar. I cannot stand how often I hear about ****ty little browser games on video game websites and blogs etc. Is farmville competing with Dead Space 2? NO.
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