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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Darth Krayt was no slouch either. He took the Universe and destroyed the Jedi Order by brute force, unlike Sidious who did it by means of cunning & deceit.
  2. Well, IIRC the krogans & salarians are evolved reptilians & amphibians respectively, and the two sexes of these animals generally look alike (beyond occasional difference in size depending on species). As for turians, I don't see how males & females could be made different as their face is dominated by a metallic exoskeleton... beyond the exoskeleton having a different complexion depending on gender. As for the other races that look like jellyfish & sloths (forgot the name) - hard to make big differences between the genders here, beyond giving them another colour and/or size. Quarians & volus - can't comment as the ones found in the game wear an environmental suit, so who knows...
  3. BioWare could take inspiration for that from Star Trek. I remember one episode dealing with romancing an asexual (pseudo sexless) alien.
  4. Not if for instance the DLC 'forces' the PC to lose all his/her gear at the beginning and the PC starts out with a puny .32 pistol & a wastelander outfit.
  5. I'd support the death penalty only as punishment for crimes against humanity, and if the sentence is given out by the International Court.
  6. I'd imagine the females wouldn't look or sound very different from the males (apart from the high heels & lipstick). If BioWare were really adventurous, they could introduce races with more than two sexes. It was kind of the easy way out when they introduced the race of Asari, a race that is practically Captain Kirk's wet dream. Why not introduce an ascetic or sexless race like the Vulcans? This could make the inevitable romance quite interesting, having to turn away the ascetic from their rigid ways similar to Revan trying to make Bastila deny the Jedi code.
  7. More Fallout 3 is always better. Swamp => mutated crocodiles, serpents, mosquitoes, deranged inhabitants
  8. Yeh, but pretty much the entire internet is, really. Environments with no control that allow people to hide behind anonymity takes out the worst out of people. Another good example besides MMO is Youtube.
  9. Other than asari and quinari, all the alien races were all male. Ehh... they were? Not sure about the turians but krogans, salarians & quarians didn't seem to be all male. There was?? Darn, I must have missed out on something.
  10. Hopefully we'll get an all-male race of green aliens. Or pink hermaphrodites to really spice things up.
  11. Turkish immigrants are among the best integrated in my country (they came here in the sixties along with Italian & Spanish to work in the mines) - problems are largely (I would say, almost exclusively) with 3rd generation North-African youngsters here. Not as bad as in France, but we're getting there especially as the government is keeping their eyes closed to the problems. They don't even take a hint when an extreme right party gains 33% of votes in one of our major cities. I'm not islamophobic, but I don't think it's normal that a city like Brussels turns into Kabul or Riyadh every Friday afternoon when the mosque opens for prayer - imo muslim fundamentalism is incompatible with Western culture.
  12. Yes, immaturity is the bane of MMO. I tried a trial of World of Warcraft once and got constantly harassed because I happened to play a female character.
  13. The great thing about Oblivion, is that you can. There's freedom to do whatever you want. I often wish this were possible in ME too, when I was wandering around the Citadel.
  14. Err sorry, when I said "force styles" I actually meant "lightsaber forms".
  15. Was Kreia truly a Sith? Kreia was such a great character because she was beyond both the Jedi & Sith. She had experienced and rejected both teachings.
  16. New alien species, yey. I want a Hanar party member - or even better, an Elcor. Would make those half hour conversations between primary missions hilariously frustrating.
  17. But this is only because he has four arms and mechanical wrists that can rotate in a full circle to no end. The most skilled lightsaber combatant without force augmented abilities was either Tulak Hord or Kas'im. But Galen Marek could beat any other lightsaber duelist in a fight. Don't all force styles one way or another rely on force augmented abilities?
  18. I'm not all for completely removing slow-mo... I've experimented a bit with VATS overhaul mods & without the slow-mo one often finds oneself swarmed by enemies which can be brutal against giant radscorpions or similar melee enemies especially when one removes the 'god mode' VATS i.e. enemies doing 100% damage instead of the 10%. Maybe there should be a new option to use AP on slow-mo for those occasional tight moments?
  19. Not to mention, enemies not being alarmed by corpses of their friends' corpses lying around... games like No One Lives Forever already had better AI than this. Also, better pathfinding... sometimes if the PC jumps off a rock or ledge, companions will make a huge detour to get to you; not to mention people are still walking/running into walls like in Oblivion.
  20. Sith & Jedi may have fallen behind in lightsaber techniques, but maybe this was compensated by better training in the Force?
  21. I think enemies should do 100% damage to the PC in VATS, instead of the 10% like it is now; with current VATS, one can simply wait for a charging enemy to get into point blank range, and cue up shots with a powerful weapon for an easy kill as enemies' damage is negligible - even with powerful ones like Yao Guai or Deathclaws. Of course, this makes it possible for the PC to die upon exiting VATS (which I think is the reason why Bethesda included the 10% damage rule), but is this really a problem? At least it would make the use of VATS a bit more strategical. Also, I'd like to see Action Points spent on entering the Pip-Boy during combat - this prevents healing/buffing during combat and should make combat a tad more challenging.
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