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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Is there a Batwoman/Batgirl playthrough or something unlocked after finishing the game?
  2. Same thing. Also, I'd like to mention the sex scene itself just looks plain bad. Very weird. In hindsight, a collar grabbing or pistol in the face would've been suitable there. All that running around & sucking up to a turian for a few measly credits.
  3. ah, thanks. insufferable indeed. i guess it's good they put it in such a gawdawful default because otherwise i would not have complained, and would have just limped along annoyed. i don't have any issues with the NWN2 camera other than the way it deals with occlusions (or rather, doesn't deal). just put it in the proper mode and all is well. taks Using the mouse to move around like in NWN is annoying since the camera resets everytime behind your characters after clicking. It's best to use WASD to move around while controlling the camera with the right mouse button. That said, some fights in this game can get really intense & come quite unexpected... fought through an entire castle ruin filled with mooks yesterday until I reached a boss surrounded by enemies that looked exactly like said mooks but were in fact quite the opposite... turning what I expected to be a casual wipe-out into an intense battle to the death. It also seems Elves are quite overpowered in the game because they can cast almost all spells in the game regardless whether they're fighter or ranger. What I like in this game is that unlike in D&D where it is raining +3 longswords, enchanted armors & rings/amulets of uber awsomness are found basically in every chest/barrel, there is no fancy magical weaponry & armor and magical trinkets are rare too. You and your party are run-off-the-mill schmucks just like the mooks you're mowing down with abandon. Not to mention, leveling up is quite slow as well & combat magic, while powerful, should be used with extreme caution since it usually takes very long to cast. The only minor complaint (besides the camera) is that I think followers should have been developed a wee bit more... they're basically slightly above SoZ level... I did a follower quest yesterday and when things were done expected some new dialogue revelations, but there was nothing. *shrug* That said, though, I probably find the followers so interesting because they reveal practically nothing about themselves... same happened to me with the ones in SoZ. I reckon having them read aloud their personal diaries to me, BioWare style, would just destroy them in my eyes as usual.
  4. I like an old-fashioned dungeon crawl to start off things, so I'll probably pick the Dalish Elf origin. Even though Dalish Elves seem to be weird, running around in their underwear like that.
  5. Press & hold right mouse button to move around the camera freely. The camera is insufferable at times, but nothing I haven't been through before with NWN2.
  6. I could never get into GTA, but this seems like it might appeal to me... *waiting for demo*
  7. Finally defeated the Mother Rat in Drakensang... took over half an hour to take down this oversized RPG clich
  8. Animation in FO3 was utter crap, yet it won several Game of the Years. *shrug* If story & combat is more alike to Gothic II than Gothic III, the game should be a real winner.
  9. Looks more like a Rodriguez Sidaris flick than Tarantino. That said, I do have a knack for a hot chick with a sword.
  10. Well, I don't agree with Gothic 3 being terrible... sure getting killed by wolves every five minutes due to broken combat system is annoying, but the game world/characters/voice acting are better than anything in Oblivion - and the game was rushed by JoWood to boot.
  11. It has free-running? Seems like a 100% pulp action game to me, in the spirit of Bloodrayne/Total Overdose... though I don't know whether it'll be possible to make an aerial cartwheel off a wall whilst shooting ten enemies at the same time. Anyway, the only two games I'll get in what's left of 2009 are Risen & Dragon Age: Origins. Don't have a clue about anything in 2010 yet... maybe a TES V.
  12. Best part of Dreamfall was wandering through Marcuria in 3D... although Xboxy loadscreens every time one exited an area ruined it greatly. Maybe if Dreamfall had come with a complete plot & deep protagonist the game could've become the PS:T of adventure games, but alas... When it comes to modern 3D adventure games, Broken Sword 3+4 still hold the crown - even though those games' endings are always terrible.
  13. April was smart, spunky & sarcastic... Zo
  14. Only if they include quick-time events. Which they have......
  15. TLJ >>>>>>>>> Dreamfall. I wouldn't even call Dreamfall part of the TLJ universe, if certain characters weren't copy-pasted into the game. EDIT: grammar
  16. Can you ask another chick to do your hair & toe nails?
  17. It would be cool if the fights were accompanied by "SPLAAAT!!!", "KA-POOOWWW!!", etc. like in the ...
  18. Are Catwoman & Penguin in the game?
  19. Where are the legendary "Descent into Undermountain" and "Ruins of Myth Drannor"?!
  20. Link (in French). A spokesperson from Ubisoft Montr
  21. It seems the country involved is the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Za
  22. The Dark Eye universe is as old and generic as Forgotten Realms... it exists for 20+ years & there are tons of books fleshing out the world (I did some digging)... it even exceeds Elder Scrolls in material. The old Realms of Arcania games took part in the north-eastern part of the world, Drakensang right in the centre. I generally don't care much about plot or characters, it's mainly about the world & its lore/history for me and in this regard Drakensang delivers. That said, I do appreciate Drakensang's characters - characters don't need to talk my ears off about their childhood every 5 minutes in order for me to appreciate them. The game's atmosphere & music are amazing -- it really feels like stepping into a fairytale from the brothers Grimm (an obvious inspiration for the designers, maybe?)... when it comes to graphics & art design I think it's on par with the Witcher... totally blows away NWN 2 imo... and heck the in-game models even blow away the ones I've seen in DA:O. After playing & finishing Divinity 2 it seems another European developed game is going to be a real winner (for me)... and I'm certain the same will hold true for Risen.
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