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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Petition Squeenix instead. Obsidian just works for food.
  2. Space travel will happen when the gods return in their chariots or some mad scientist receives alpha beams from the Lyra constellation and kickstarts a paradigm shift.
  3. Let's just continue posting more bad analogies. It's like getting a divorce after accidentally sleeping with your wife's twin sister.
  4. Got suckered into watching a yuri anime. But actually it is pretty good.
  5. Still playing Binary Domain. Haven't had so much fun with a shootar since Bulletstorm.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_%28cosmology%29
  7. Donetsk Republic is less of a mouthful than Dnipropetroviskeskikaya Republic at least.
  8. Lara gets impaled somewhere in the beginning of the game without much ado, then later there's an entire cutscene focused on her getting crippled and whimpering after she falls two metres down. That was funny. That, and the zombie samurai army she kills entirely on her own. I think she kills more than old-skool Lara does in all her games combined.
  9. First game had a pretty Tolkienesque story & atmosphere depending on which path you took. Sequels were just generic fantasy.
  10. Pity I never saw the Frenchie robot again.
  11. Every new Cyanide/Spiders game is an insta-buy. They're very small but the most talented European game studio by far.
  12. Binary Domain is better than Mass Effect in every way.
  13. It's a butterfly.
  14. Looks like a cross of Two Worlds 2 and Darksiders.
  15. You know you spend too much time on the internet when you know what "ableism" means.
  16. Malc have you ever cried watching a movie before? Does laughing until you cry count?
  17. Cynthia is my new favourite sorry
  18. I would've said the Ming empire.
  19. This game is pretty intense
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