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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. And verily, it came to pass that the surgeons of the Torturous Extractus were busy, long into the nyte.
  2. Bit of a shameless bump. Have had a couple of PMs (thanks) but want more before I dish scripts out. It's only 20-odd thousand words, a quick read.
  3. Alan what did you think about Titanfall? Did it manage to be FPS but not too FPSy? If that makes sense? Someone said the NPC grunts sort of ruined it, what was your view?
  4. You, Sir, win the Internet for the day as far as I am concerned. Majestic.
  5. Word. And how about this, fellow blasphemers: games will be better for it.
  6. ^ Dammit another heresy x-post! It's catching.
  7. Actually Gfted1 we should start our own Order of Degenerates and try to break Sawyer's baby with our cheesy tak-tix. Then we can mod in chainmail bikinis, mod out emo-NPCsszzzzzzz and we might have a half-decent game on our hands
  8. A friend of mine had a grandfather who fought at Stalingrad. He was an Italian, an Alpini in the Julia Division. He walked home to Italy, via Dresden. The Germans forced him into a salvage crew after the fire-bombing. He doesn't have the nickname 'Lucky.' Anyhow, another CoH2 pic of my adventures... never ever ever face off an ISU-52 assault gun with a flimsy halfie full of riflemen.
  9. Lots of bloody wheels in DA:I. Every time Dave Gaider explains something, I feel something dying in my little happy place. I think I'll play something else.
  10. Now we have identified them, Brother Exterminatus... cleansing can begin.
  11. The things you describe are called faeries or sidhe and they have very little in common with the Elves. Granted that Tolkien drew inspiration from them, but that doesn't make it his fault that people today took inspiration from him and made it in to something else again. Correct targets would be Tolkien imitators, not the great man himself.
  12. I didn't particularly care for either of them and think Fallout: Tactics is better than both. You may now form a lynch-mob.
  13. What else could encapsulate the horror of the Eastern Front more than this dude having a Mexican standoff with a Russki flamethrower tank?
  14. CoH2... So this guy manages to spam three Tigers in a 4 v 4. Don't see that very often.
  15. KP I know nothing much about this franchise, and I don't read comics. I just got a real endorphin-rush nerdgasm watching the trailer. It just looks cool on so many different levels. And it's got Peter Serafinowicz in! http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0784818/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t15 qv Spaced etc.
  16. Vin Diesel, if he plays his cards right, might find himself in Ron Perlman territory. Note I said if he plays his cards right. But yeah, Vin Diesel is awesome. I view him as 'one of ours' if that makes sense.
  17. It must suck being famous and then getting a gig as foliage.
  18. The Soviets are more commander specific as your specialist infantry are call-ins. So you can go shocks / T4 (for awesome anti-inf and AT) or guards / snipers into T3 (snipers bleed enemy MP while the guards screw up all early german vehicles). All the while you can make cons as your grunts. Cons are great - molotovs at 15 munis are a no-brainer as are AT nades. At the moment I'm using the german assault grens a lot, into PzGrens then Panthers. If i'm doing really well I go for a quick T4. But T4s get rammed too easily by T-34s. The rock-scissors-stone model of CoH2 is very deep.
  19. Ha ha ha. Welcome back. I've been playing a lot of 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 and trying to skip tiers (like a fast T2 assault build with Pzgrens into T4 for Panther). Now they've put Soviet shock troops back to 2 CP the game is less easy-mode for Soviets, too. Edit - the battle servers are a massive improvement: input lag is almost eliminated and micro more crisp. It's more viable to dodge grenades and molotovs than it was before.
  20. ^ I take it work was much more palatable than usual?
  21. Let me help. Taxes. Death. That's it. No. I have a bottle of Maker's Mark and a pristine copy of the 1996 Playboy Co-Ed's in Lingerie special edition. Damn right. See above. Military service allows you to see all women as sexually acceptable. Before I did military service I was fussy. Afterwards I was not. This special gift is the preserve of those who have pulled on the Cloth of Heroes. Now, because I like all of you so much, enjoy the new Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89q_HH-3ghk#t=154
  22. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/gallery/view/26/132329/2110.1
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