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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Hi. I seldom play magic-using characters. Mainly because bearded guys in dressing gowns throwing fireballs is a bit meh. In DS3 have you thought about going off-piste a bit with spells? I'm thinking maybe spells that allow you to use the environment offensively (a bit like the way you can use the suit in Crysis to throw stuff about) or mind control to control your enemies (I liked walking bombs in Dragon Age). Also, can you have a mage that doesn't look like everybody's vanilla guy-in-a-dressing-gown? Lastly, a pack mule familiar would be the last word in cool. Cheers MC
  2. From what I remember from DS1, the illusion of seamlessness worked pretty well. In fact, were it quite so mindlessly H&S it would have been a good game, it looked great in 2002.
  3. The average pay of the English national team footballers, in the English domestic Premiership, is on average
  4. I dunno, just off the top of my head... * They have rent and bills to pay in the harshest economic climate since the 1930's (when the original Dungeon Siege was released, history fans) * Maybe they want to go in a new direction and make a more action-focussed game (and why not?) * Perhaps they realised their perceived weakness in the action / combat aspect of their games and wanted to do a project that kicked that ball into the back of the net... * And, most shockingly, maybe they just want to make a really fun game lots of people will want to play (The Horror!) * Etc Honestly, I appreciate why fans of Obz's core games might be surprised and even disappointed, but the reasons why they've chosen this project don't strike me as a MYSTARY.
  5. That song ruined Memphis Bell. It's not even maudlin, it's mawkish.
  6. I'll happily admit that D3 is my most eagerly anticipated game at the moment... damn the lack of release dates.
  7. For the love of God, you could have posted a warning or something.
  8. Although it is common knowledge that Swindon is in fact the Twin Peaks of the UK. Anything can, and frequently does, happen there.
  9. I agree. A car weighs the best part of a tonne, right? You need to get it bouncing to make a gap big enough to get in there and flip it. Of course, if you had a way of jacking it up you could use less people but I can't see four kids doing it. Unless it was a Smartcar or something of course.
  10. I will not have this... thing on my computer.
  11. Krez, that's pretty expensive. It comes bundled with the XP for about UK
  12. Originally I fancied Spain, but yeah the Germans are now my favourites. I think they'll turn Brazil over.
  13. I think we started by bouncing it on it's suspension, then bundling into the gap and making a scrum to turn it over. Like I said, it was a bunch of fairly big, fit twenty-something men.
  14. FIBUA training, 1991. Fifteen squaddies, one knackered Ford Sierra, absolutely no problem. Then we set fire to it, IIRC, or maybe that was just the tyres. Health and Safety wasn't an issue back then ::sigh::
  15. 44 Inch Chest I love Ray Winstone, but this is a self-indulgent crock of ****e that feels like a stage play shoe-horned into a movie. The only redeeming feature is Ian 'Deadwood' McShane's part as an ageing gay gangster. Don't waste your time, and why, Ray, why?
  16. At the moment NK are holding Brazil to a draw.... WTF?
  17. It's gaudy, it's baroque, it doesn't fit in with the immediate environment but if you dig it then that's great.
  18. I think you've missed the point of the argument.
  19. Re. Germany versus Oz. Watching the smuggest sporting nation on Earth getting their arses handed to them so clinically is, indeed, one of lifes small pleasures.
  20. Pack Mules should be playable characters.
  21. There is a view here that there isn't room for both an extremely exciting, world-class domestic league (i.e. The Premiership) and a world-class national side. Look how many of the top players in this tournament play in the English game... there is no way England can develop a deep and broad talent base in the same way Germany, Brazil or Spain can. Conversely, I am also persuaded that there is merit in the 'England are hopelessly overrated' argument too. :: shrugs :: The real world cup is next year, in New Zealand with an oval ball. England might not do much better, but that's rugby for you.
  22. A V P leaves me cold. Because it always boils down to the same thing. Aliens? Cool. Predators? Neat. A V P? Yawn.
  23. ^ Point not found. When Obama finally slays the evil eco-defiling dragon of BP with his sword of self-righteousness, guess what? It won't have any money left to pay compensation or put right the long term legacy of this disaster. You don't have to like BP very much. The more I learn of it, the more appalled I am. Nonetheless, politics is about the stiletto, not the nail-encrusted baseball bat and the US president is showing none of the cool finesse for which he is allegedly known. Edit: As for the Prez summoning businessmen before him... Obama is the elected head of a democratic society, not Ming the Merciless. He's never run so much as a hotdog stand, let alone a multinational. Unless the federal government pays them, he shouldn't be able to order anybody to do anything. There was me thinking that this was one of the principles of freedom on which the USA was predicated.
  24. I bet the game is more or less locked down. Remember the days when the forums opened at a point where your suggestions might actually, in a tiny way, influence something?
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