The concept art stinks, I mean it's really bad. The DA concept art was good, and generally I liked DAs art direction for what it was.
@ Vol, yes lots of folks will buy it anyway. I'm not sure this time, however, I will. DA:Awakenings will probably be the end of the road for me. As CRPGs have turned a page I've found myself playing more RTS and strategy games. I don't even miss CRPGs that much, TBH. If I feel the need I re-boot an old BG2 game or give NWN2 another spin.
It's not all bad news, as the wheel will turn and old-skool gaming models, more sand-boxy and free-form will return and gamers will be freed from the yoke of Fantasy Novel tyranny once more
Am looking forward, a great deal, to Diablo 2 (looking forward to seeing y'all on and even Dungeon Siege 3... the cup is definitely half-full!