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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. And herein lies the rub: mya79 thinks that her ideal romance means there might need only be 2 or 4 NPCs. This is to accommodate a decent romance. OK, her preference is her preference. But I will defend the position that dumping the other NPCs just for a romance is nuts.
  2. Michael Moorc0ck's Melniboneans were the best take on elves I've seen, amoral, chem-addicted, Medici-like ubermensch living long lives characterized by cruelty, torture and ennui. I always see elves as baddies: superior, aloof, clever, scheming, deadly. In folklore elves have always been slightly sinister, the nature-loving bow equipped hippy trope makes me puke. As for Dwarves, I actually liked the Dragon Age take on them and their culture.
  3. ^ Player House is selling themselves short when it is clearly some sort of BG2-inspired Stronghold Quest.
  4. I think Grom is saying that romances should be **** or bust, all or nothing, to work compellingly. Which would require a CRPG where the romance was a major story-arc. I have nothing against such a project, I wouldn't buy it but it would certainly be viable. But given that the pre-cursor products that inspired PE had only marginal romance content it isn't appropriate for this.
  5. Hopefully the paper dolls / avatars will allow for amusing blend of non-mage and mage gear, i.e. a plate-mailed wizard wearing a long pointy hat.
  6. We call them trousers where I come from, but I agree that spellcasters might choose to wear them. The extremely sexy Triss from The Witcher (see pics posted by Zero) is a good example of a non Toga-wearing mage.
  7. I am only 768. I think. By drinking the blood of CRPG romance fans and trapping their souls in my phylactery, I extend my lifespan infinitely.
  8. Good point, but I want my mages to be more Indiana Jones than eccentric professor in a lab.
  9. I support localisation as I think it's a useful strategic feature for future sales. But I am inclined to agree with BSoda in that, as a stretch goal, it does kind of lack va-va-voom. I don't mind the current theme of stretch goals but more details might fire the imagination of potential backers... for example naming and showing the picture of a new NPC or detailing in general terms the feature of a quest... STRETCH GOAL --- HAUNTED MANOR MYSTARY! At this tier we will build a significant standalone adventure where your character has to explore a mysterious haunted mansion and solve a murder. Puzzles, suspects, loads of dialogue and role-play, will you find the murderer and free the tormented souls of the slain, or make an unholy pact with the culprit? Features Azakiz, a tough dwarven gumshoe. This new investigator / rogue NPC is Project Eternity's version of Sam Spade! This adventure will add 6-8 hours of gameplay with a dungeon, quests, loot and an inn. OK, you might not like the quest, but descritive details might make the potential backer sit up and listen.
  10. I give you the infamous Bundeswehr sleeping bag of the 1980s. I used to have one. http://www.google.co...,r:24,s:0,i:144
  11. Hello. I hope that spell-casters in this game don't look like they were dressed by Hugh Heffner. Mages tend to schlep about in robes, togas, dressing gowns, dresses. Why? They have to creep through dangerous ruins and zap monsters while carrying spell components, scrolls, crystal balls, wands, toads and stuff. They should look a bit more like this: http://i.imgur.com/hjIos.jpg Than this: http://community.wizards.com/dndnext/go/thread/view/75882/28956183/Cartoons_on_DD_art Please post great wizard pics of spellcasters not dressed for a slumber party.
  12. Poor old MCA. I hope, if they decided to write a romance, he creates the most savage anti-romance ever. Where the romance-weenies get pwned by a sado-uber-biyatch NPC that the rest of us would simply put to the sword.
  13. Please let it go. Please. And I mean this in the nicest possible way... the Bioware Social Network is made for you. If I had a company making old-skool games that had a forum packed with frothing at the mouth grognards who liked the stuff I do I'd camp on that forum and stay there.
  14. My re-plays on Infinity Engine games look like this: 1. New race / class / build / approach and just play the game again Then... 2. I play with my own party Then... 3. I solo Then... 4. By this time some mods or XPs are out so I rotate back to 1 and play again with the new stuff --- I hope this new game will allow me to do this. In fact implicit mentions of replayability features will probably get me to up my pledge.
  15. Cannibalism and ritualistic human sacrifice really creep me out. Basically, Apocalypto, the idea of stumbling across this decadent, diseased culture that has convinced itself that it can sacrifice it's way out of oblivion. Euch.
  16. Was chatting to Ferg on Skype earlier. They intend to: * Establish a colony of QA Monkeys on Mars by 2015 to terraform it using the Unity Engine * Bring peace to the Middle East * Cure twelve different aggressive (and hitherto incurable) cancers * Make a Transformers movie that doesn't make you want to puke * Buy Electronic Arts and move the executives to the new Mars Space Station to work in the new Quadrilium Mines established there * Pay for Katy Perry to have singing lessons * Invade Canada This is on a projected $3.5 million budget.
  17. I think the extraordinarily cheesy "Soul Survivor" wins. Although "Shadows over RomanceQuest" might be cool.
  18. What should this game be called once it's finally unveiled?
  19. Friendly Fire is important, if you don't have it the game gets all arcane howitzer with no real thought. Skilful use of cloudkills and fireballs mitigated against excessive cheeze in BG1/2. A bit.
  20. Forgive my ignorance, Pids, but can Spanish speakers understand a Portuguese language version and vice versa?
  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't want to beta-test with cheapskates
  22. Of course a mega-dungeon should 'fit the story.' But that doesn't mean that it needs to segue into the critical path. Although my personal preference is that a small part of it does, revealing the possibility of exploring the rest of it (optionally) if the player is so inclined. I am only positing a classic feature of BG1 & BG2, i.e. Durlag's and Watcher's Keep, which were wildly popular. And those in turn were inspired by old-skool dungeon modules that were at the heart of the hobby in the old days.
  23. Although, to be fair, a Japanese turn-based game with insect people would be good. Just get rid of the romances. See what I did there?
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