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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Yeh, because G4TV HD videos suck. Always when I use fullscreen mode, everything is fit into my 4:3 screen without black borders, so everything is stretched ugly. And doing screens from the not-fullscreen mode isn't looking that good, sadly. /Edit: But here is a screenshot of Neil anyway. :> I really like it.
  2. Check the strange placed weapon on Lily's back. /Edit: Beside this, super mutants now finally look cool.
  3. I have it still on my HDD, but I am not touching it anyway. It just bores the **** out of me, especially because I always end somewhere in the desert part of the map, blasting random stuff in the air, with a rocket launcher.
  4. Playing now Commandos again. Finished the first three missions yesterday. Was pretty easy. Now that the 4th mission has started... it looks pretty complicated already.
  5. Sucks to destroy your dream, but Spellbound isn't the only german game developer.
  6. This "Alpha Protocol fiasco" was - for me personally - no fiasco at all. Well okay, one could say the fiasco was stupid people who write stupid reviews... Liked the game, still liking it. I can live with the flaws and I am happy that I've spend my money in this game than some other crappy ****. :>
  7. I really don't like it, if previews / reviews aren't allowed to appear until the game is released. It gives me the impression that something needs to be hidden.
  8. So, I've bought I'76 Arsenal yesterday, because I never got my hands on this Nitro Pack stuff. Now I wonder... I don't have any ingame music in the Nitro pack. Is this normal in the GOG version or is there something else that I have to change? Because it sucks to have no music.
  9. Back in the days, I've put my I'76 game cd into the music machine and just listened to the music. Groovy.
  10. Am I the only one who feels totally bored in the moment? I don't know what to do in the last 1+ week of waiting time. Played through some games again in the meantime, but it doesn't really help. If I could, I would sleep until the 22th...
  11. It is true. Remember the tech demo, where Corporal Armstrong yells "Move aside, citizen! You are in my line of fire!". This was like, wtf? Aw, I wish the tech demo would have been longer. Or there would have been some more 'accidental' source leaks...
  12. If there is still stuff to do, I personally avoid the ending pretty much, because when finishing the game, I feel like I am done with it and lack the motivation to run around much more in the gameworld. Either I restart the game then and try to see everything this time around or I put it back into the shelf.
  13. Nah, the problems in the end are only that in the slideshow, you are told about change x and y, but if you continue the game, nothing of this exists. Also none of the npcs will react to you in this way. Adding this additional reactions and other changes would mean lots of work again, which is totally unneeded, in my opinion. I can't understand as well why people want to continue the game after the end. Just reload short before the finale and do whatever else you want, where is the problem?
  14. Here is the full intro, btw. But obacht, in the moment it's a big spoiler of course.
  15. But they haven't been such big buddies like the other four (Diego, Milton, etc.)
  16. Where do you live? Germany. In most cases, new games on steam cost 10 to 15 euro more than boxed version from other shops. Example: If I remember correct, Bioshock cost ~ 55 Euro on steam for a very long time, while it was < 40 euro in a lot shops already (such as Amazon). Call of Duty 4 was ~ 60 Euro on steam for a long time as well. More I don't know right now, but it's a kind of new trend and I don't like it.
  17. I wonder this as well. Never saw that woman before.
  18. Then australia sucks. :> /Edit: First time it's better to buy games in germany than somewhere else? What is this, black magick?
  19. Me as hard working blacksmith: And later as Commander: Finished the game again yesterday.
  20. Buying a game fullprice via steam is stupid anyway. Seriously, you don't even get a box or anything in your hands. Boxed version is much cheaper, compared to this...
  21. Combat in Risen was good. You needed some tactic and it wasn't the ultimate click orgy.
  22. If the demo was the best part of the game, I don't want to see the rest of the game.
  23. Seeing this opens up a question to me I didn't thought about asking earlier. Will we get 'real' weather this time around? Like.. you know, sand storms 'n stuff? Seeing one of the rumored nuclear cyclons from the mid-west would be pretty too, I'll guess. Would be cool thing, at least.
  24. I have a Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 (2,13ghz), 2GB Ram, GeForce GTX 260 (with 896mb) and the demo runs for me nearly smooth. Only at day with the sun beams, it stutters a little bit, but is still playable. I had all graphic settings to the max.
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