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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. That's how I have done it first. Was sneaking into the houses, repairing the robot because I was able to and then the quest was solved. /Edit: Heh, I just found out that activating ARCHIMEDES II while Arcade in yer party is not a good idea.
  2. Btw. I feel really sad about Arcade Gannon. He felt so proud to fight in the power armor of his father at the Hoover Dam battle, just to get in the end kicked out from the Follower, hunted by ncr ranger, the brotherhood of steel and everyone else (at least in my ending). He is a really cool character and - imo - one of the best companions. Also I loved the part with the enclave remnants. When talking about it pre-release, I really hated that the enclave comes back *again* - but Arcades quest and their appear in the endgame really changed my mind. I still have this one sentence stuck in my head... "getting in, guns blazing, showing the ncr how it's done", damn yeah. And then on the Dam, when the Vertibird comes and all the old people get out of it, fighting. Heh. Really good.
  3. With crippled arms, your aiming is much worse.
  4. Not possible, because on the other side is the legion. The doors are locked until the final battle. What I personally wonder more is, if there are any non-endgame quests in Hoover Dam.
  5. Some npcs ingame sometimes talking about a Mr. Fox. Especially in Nipton are letters spread, which note him.
  6. I don't like the pre-order things, as they ruin the gamebalance in the beginning.
  7. This Machine is a great rifle. I use it as often as I can, because it just pwns.
  8. It's a reference to the gun from Fallout 2, which was a easteregg in Fallout 1. Way too overused, imo. In New Vegas it's a good revolver tho'. Fast and can load ap ammo, if I remember correct.
  9. The Fiend leader in Vault 3 has a chainsaw, which is pretty unique already, I think. In Cass' quest is a dead caravan with a dead Van Graffs guard. He could have some unique energy weapon.
  10. I never got one and I've made all their quest as positive as possible. And I am pretty sure about it. /Edit: Now I see it. But it's not the same outfit. The quest gives you a unique Follower Lab Coat and not a Doctor Coat. No clue where and if there is a difference tho'.
  11. Next one, my new NV mini-mod. It adds a Follower doctor coat into the old mormon fort. I was a bit disappointed to not get it anywhere, if I don't kill someone for it. I mean, I would have never really used it anyway... but beeing able to, if I would... and so on. :> I am working on more stuff already. Only slowly, but at least...
  12. Fallout always was kind of "Wild West" (Sci-Fi Western). If at all, then Fallout 3 broke with it.
  13. Does someone know if it's possible to *really* deactivate the VATS slow-mo, etc? Pre-release, I thought it will be possible to fully deactivate this, but it looks like, this is not possible and you can only switch between cinematic with slow-motion or no cinematic with slow-motion, so regardless what you do, there is always slow-motion. Or there is some bug, because I am pretty sure I have the killcam set to "none" and it keeps showing me how enemies die... in slow-motion. @Mikael Grizzly: What OS do you have? Windows XP or Windows 7, etc.?
  14. Hm the sound stuff didn't worked? My game always crashed because of my Aureon 5.1 Fun Wave sound card. And I know at least one other person who has exactly the same sound card, which made exactly the same crashs on his computer. It is like "as soon as x sound sources are in the game, go rampage and produce a bluescreen".
  15. I found lots of it at the Gun Runners shop.
  16. Not for me. I don't remember how it was in Mass Effect, but I found the hacking in Alpha Protocol pretty easy once I figured out how it works. Especially because the game became easier, the higher your hacking skill was. To me it feels like my science skill in Fallout 3 / New Vegas only allows me to do the minigame and nothing more. Always when I see a "very hard" terminal in Fo3 / NV, I just think "bleeehh..." - Fun is something else. /Edit: Here it is, my first New Vegas mod. A ninja-fix for the combat armor reinforced and one that changes the gun runner guards armors to the reinforced mk1. Both are optional and not in one file.
  17. You have no autosave from when you changed map or so? Helped me once. About hacking: I made myself a mod that reduces the words of always 4. I hate the hacking minigame and I don't think about the words anyway... so it ends me clicking random words 3 times, then closing the terminal, opening it up again, etc. until I hit the right word. Such a waste of time. With my 4-words mod, I just have to click 4 times until I might hit the correct one and be done with it...
  18. Nah, there isn't too much Van Buren in it. There are many references and things taken out of VB, but imo you can't say it has "Van Buren written all over it". I played through the game today. The ending was nice and I've made the "boss battle" with talking only. The slideshow at the end was detailed too, but I felt like something had been missing. As example, I didn't got information about Boone, but about Raul, even though I've used Boone nearly the whole game long and saw Raul just like 5 minutes, if at all.
  19. As far as I've noticed, headgear does not count. I am running around with my red baret all the time.
  20. Apparently it runs like ass with Nvidia cards. Not for me. My system: Intel Core 2 Duo 6400, NVIDIA GeForce GTX260, 2GB Ram, Windows XP == Game runs 100% smooth on ultra high settings and 1280x1024px. I have no stuttering, no npc slowdowns, etc. pp. **** man, it runs better than Fallout 3, which I cannot play in ultra high.
  21. Old news is old. Steam is needed for the pc version. We know this since long long long long time.
  22. So, who can tell me where I can buy a combat armor reinforced? I want my combat armor gear looks like from back in the old days! And I actually have another problem. My ED-E is gone. The game still thinks that the robot is with me- npcs react to it, the perk is still there, etc. But I just can't find him, he is simply gone. Someone experienced such thing already? Someone has any ideas how to solve that? If I can't see ED-E, I can't dismiss him from the group as well, etc. pp.
  23. I don't want to know what "he" is, but what the question was.
  24. Imagine it would have been a negative point.
  25. Just uniformed, I'll guess. German GameStar also wrote that the maincharacter has amnesia, etc. even though it was said often enough, that he doesn't have amnesia.
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