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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swiss-government-rejects-german-request-re-export-swiss-ammunition-ukraine-2022-11-03/ People hating on the Swiss for this
  2. Back to WoW, helping friend level (although with the 50% XP buff, hardly needed). Is always nice to see my dead server spring to life preceding an expansion, only to die off 2 months later (server is so skewed Horde anyway). Resumed playing FM2018, still stuck at Brno, got to CL semifinal (!) there I met Real Madrid who smoked me. Should just go with the meta for that version and play 4-2-3-1.
  3. This was before St Anger was out, Kazaa/WinMX/etc were full of fake St Anger songs. I found out about Holochaust, er, Darcane, er Mind-A-Stray that way
  4. Apparently this made the rounds as a fake St. Anger song. If only it were real.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/03/ontario-doug-ford-strike-fine-bill-28-canada Of all things to use a sort of nuclear option as the notwithstanding clause, our meshback Premier uses this. Also of note is that the people in this province are so stupid they don't even know which union is striking.
  6. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ethiopia-tigray-peace-agreement/ Peace in Tigray, hopefully this lasts. 600k dead as quoted by the article, damn.
  7. Impressive that they cancelled the lease in April but only now did they kick them out. Also they are apparently wrecking cell towers, boats, as well.
  8. I wonder how much the Russian shills actually get paid, though. I could use some side income.
  9. Seems like a lot of superfluous furniture on it.
  10. I still haven't seen the first one, hm.
  11. Well, it's not the case that it's either a warzone or there is no shootings. People saying the perception is that every city is a Mogadishu in the 90s is wrong aren't saying it's all roses. Is fairly universal, rural hicks here see stabbings and shootings in Toronto and think it's unsafe as they drive by the meth labs and biker gang bars in their towns.
  12. Linux is cool for the moments when you can wow someone with knowing the powers of lsof.
  13. Was curious about crime being a major problem versus perception of one https://apnews.com/article/gun-violence-health-police-covid-politics-71f16371c775ecbd967f06583e31652f Although 40% not reporting really does undercut the report.
  14. Can't help but think he's going to have clearance issues
  15. You cracked the case, it wasn't meant to be nice. Was on Reddit though, so was scraping the barrel when it comes to talking about the war (usually it's ok, but big news items brings trash). At least it's a break from guys jerking it to "orcs die" and "cargo 200". Don't hold your breath on that one.
  16. Well, you hope bafflement, more often than not it's some sort of racism (highlight of one such conversation was a guy amazed that South Africa could make guns, as it's jump from spears to that. Americans...) Speaking of which, grain deal is back on, Erdogan and Putin had a meet Can interpret this however you like, Erdogan intimidating Putin, Putin being more concerned with Third World.
  17. Whataboutism has a definition though, still amazed you people can't get that. He's never claimed they're not war crimes. And you have to admit the moral outrage is rather amusing when you remember things over a mere 30 years. Especially when he's talking to someone as full of **** as Bruce.
  18. Because some Egyptian long ago did it. Well, or maybe Roman
  19. Been binging her stuff on Youtube, it's decently funny. "We spoke to him on the phone yesterday to make sure he could talk properly, before we spent all the money on cameras"
  20. Storage is the big thing, seems dark chocolate can last 2 years or so if properly stored. Didn't bother giving candy out, light off and everything. One kid had parents dumb enough to still have him ring my bell though, I suppose I should have felt bad telling him no and shutting the door in his face, maybe.
  21. Clearly Lula had him killed. For some reason, Bolsonaro reminds me a twisted Carl Sagan
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