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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Tempted to make a joke at Obsidian's expense with that advice
  2. Hm, don't think consoles are really free from bugs all that much. Hardware being standard doesn't save from poor coding and testing, after all. That and they can patch over consoles too, so there's that laziness there. You don't need to 'continually' upgrade either.
  3. Hm, I've upgrade every 4-5 years and do alright. Granted I probably have more money to spend than others due to not having a life of any sort. OS upgrades are required relatively infrequently - XP tailed off pretty recently and I hope Win7 would run for the same amount of time in terms of developer support for it. Peace of mind versus a console, well, I dunno I always hear horror stories of consoles getting bricked and such, with a PC it's pretty rare you end up losing every component at once (friend's PSU exploded and torched everything once). Only barrier there is knowing how to swap it out or picking good components (not a guarantee, but some brands have a reputation for good reason) Hey, we're not a tribe, we're a cult.
  4. Well enjoying smashing Persia to bits, rather nice start to the push - killed 2.8 million of his men, pushed him out of Arabia and Western Russia and took all his oil. Going to pass some time playing GK2 this weekend as well, long list of untouched GOG games.
  5. All of Interplay 50% off. 80% off Telltale games and a 30% off on Deponia. Anyone play either of the Deponias ?
  6. All these Sierra people need to get Roberta to plug them. I've never played QFG, but I'll pitch in for this I think.
  7. Pretty much the same situation I'm in, well that and I'm lazy to start with.
  8. That's a good way to take all that stuff happening.
  9. That's crazy talk, programming is just tapping keys! In terms of learning how to program, calculus or linear algebra might not be vital - it can be depending on what you're going into. But both are interesting and a chance to work on problem solving - I found Calculus more fun, myself.
  10. Unlucky for you guys, heh, 20 cm here would probably cripple this city (cue Army jokes here).
  11. Unleashing my genocidal campaign against the Persians in Civ 4 (why in my Civ games it's always me vs Persia). Luckily, they're not noticing the vast armies of tanks and gunships at their borders. Have to hit a good first strike though, else their SoDs composed of obsolete stuff will push me back.
  12. Canadian identity is hockey and beer, I think.
  13. Well, it's not as if I'm just refusing to pay or it's some minute amount of time he was late, it's something the company marketed - 40 minutes or it's free. I don't believe they dock his pay anyway, at least from reading and talking to people (intense research, obviously) so more likely he was going to pocket the $40. As for firing him for being late repeatedly, well, we had already called the CS line when it was 15 minutes late to let them know it's late so he'll have that on his record regardless. It is a rather silly policy as it does make drivers rush and the cooks probably rush the pizza out the door.
  14. Pizza guy came late today, by 20 minutes so it was free. But he started telling me a sob story on how they'll dock his pay, then fire him, then that he has kids to mind. If it were 2 minutes late, I'd normally pay it but 20 minutes is pushing it. I still feel kind of bad about that, but it did seem like an act upon reflection. Yes, it has been so slow a day today that that is the only thing of note
  15. Think he was losing as of the time GD wrote that. Trump went koo-koo apparently.
  16. Well, probably the games made it more successful outside of Poland. Expected as much from him, had seen similar comments from him about the games, I did think CDPR had passed it by him for the first game but hazy about that so it might be false.
  17. Nah I have a nice expensive office chair, but I do get up and move around every now and then. Don't really play all that much these days, must be burnt out on the hobby
  18. You are now the False Emperor.
  19. Was an enjoyable game, the missions were fun to play stealthily and approach things in multiple ways both in the path you take or just the powers you use. The blink-grab is a fun thing to do. Did get kind of 'meh' for me after the twist in terms of the story and the way the missions work. Should redo the missions where I gave up on being stealthy in favour of just murdering everyone stealthily (nothing like a guard seeing a pile of bodies and saying "Someone's down!" before I drop on him).
  20. I thought Anderson's Sun Crusher trilogy was stupid enough, but he kept on going ?
  21. Read K&R and do the exercises to just learn basics - loops, control flow, etc. - then can move on to C++ or some other object oriented language. Do impress upon him the point that he should practice, practice, practice. I've not done that and I'm incredibly rusty.
  22. I just watch Simpsons, Futurama in terms of series that are still alive. Do watch a couple of British comedies - Thin Blue Line and Yes, Minister and The IT Crowd every now and then.
  23. Terror missions are pretty boring affairs for me, at least on Normal. I just set up a killzone near some civilians, the aliens inevitably show up and get wasted. Game's into a long slow process now, slagging everything with my Colonels.
  24. Someday they could just have it settled by gladiatorial games with politicians.
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