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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Had a fun mission trying an Abductor UFO. Fighting three Mutons, easy. Then another two groups of them spawn in the middle of the aliens and my guys. Luckily no one died to the grenade spam.
  2. Merin's on the cross again eh ? Poor boy being bullied by people. Of course he's missing his own endless snark and condescending attitude, but what can one expect. Not sure what discussion you're expecting, the gist of the comments is the usual "do _______ only if it doesn't detract from the game", an argument whose reaction should be one of "Well thanks for that, genius". So we a thread of people either agreeing with one another or just the usual loggerheads, this thread has met with expectation.
  3. Did they ignore you ?
  4. Nope. I'd rather not have you jackals do anything directly input to the project.
  5. Tonight's lottery is $50 million, so the office is playing a pool. Exciting. In more exciting news, I've switched from NP++ to Sublime Text 2 as my editor, seems ok as far as text editors go, I do like the auto-completion of quotes and braces.
  6. Yep, no accounting for that - although filling in blanks like that seems to encourage madness like Bioware fans exhibited with their Indoctrination Theory nonsense for ME3, heh.
  7. I'd like them to make a 40k RPG, but meh, they'd have to deal with GW on that.
  8. Well, I assume the majority of people here have ponied up money so not sure what they can do to, heh, make a stand against piracy. Will be interesting to see how KS launched games get pirated, I'd imagine it would be the same as every other title - this one might be more likely, being a really successful and bigger profile one, I guess.
  9. That does sound buggy, you can "save scum" on non-Ironman, I did it when I raged at losing my support Captain, heh. Hard to design to prevent frustration though, some people don't handle set backs well in games it seems (see Walker). But give Obsidian a little credit.
  10. Can't see how one could say the "in between" is the best part of the story, as it's something you're making up in your head rather than being the story crafted by the writer. Well, maybe if the writer alludes to something happening in that time and letting you finish off the rest ? Meh, reminds me of people saying FO3 had awesome storytelling with the random skeletons in houses and players imagining what happened to them - so those spooning skeletons were old people that cuddled up to end their lives together or something suitably sappy.
  11. I prefer Sublime Text 2, graphics are better and overall it's more immersive.
  12. She sounds like a great wife.
  13. I thought Sie was meant to be German. Course why she uses the M60 and not something better (like any MG ever made) I dunno
  14. Heh, reminded me of this http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/10/24/games-arent-best-when-things-go-wrong/
  15. Uh oh evdk, if you didn't put up more money than him your word is meaningless! The point that it's not very effective use of time (I still think they should have made it a stretch goal, that way you people can pay for the extra time needed) may or may not be true - which is what this is all about - but it is something worth considering. Then again, why Obsidian would give a rat's tail about threads wanting X,Y and/or Z is another question.
  16. Seems like that email to Zynga staff isn't that uncommon, could be wrong, but oh well. Give me a moment to muster up some intense outrage over this.
  17. Yep, that would be interesting to have in the game, also part of NPCs reacting to you as a 'leader'. If they think you're a jackass they might just leave, rob you or try to slay you depending on how the NPC is. Think of some zealot NPC taking umbrage at you killing merchants.
  18. I really hope there's a romance with a NPC with a martyr complex.
  19. I bet the Fuel DLC is overpriced.
  20. Just noticed you're in this loony club, for shame Monte!
  21. Did Merin actually call someone out for playing 'King' of the forum ? Heh.
  22. Not much point with the cliques here, and the married guys talking about their wives and kids isn't that interesting anyway. The younger guys I work with, so I see them enough as is.
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