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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The Tau guys are sneering at this
  2. Still this is largely much ado about nothing. All the people that hate EA have no cause to do more than chuckle about this, not like the company's burning to ash slowly like RIM
  3. They've come along way from EA Spouse
  4. Replacement is Larry Probst, doubt much will change.
  5. And it's not like he's going to be out on the street.
  6. The Guild 2, rogue is almost near victory - it is rather fun to kidnap people, ransom them and then murder them as they're leaving their prison (or murdering the Bishop in front of the church).
  7. Heh, there's a "fuss" in Arma 3 about adding female soldiers. Someone put on the issue tracker a high priority item to add them, and a kerfuffle has been sparked. I'm of the sense that it'd be ok to add them, there was talk of this for months now about whether women would truly be in the infantry along pilots, support, etc.
  8. So Lara doesn't raid any tombs in this new game ?
  9. Hah "Serb greets you by shell".
  10. Hard to communicate a lot in as short a time frame as a TV spot.
  11. I imagine at some level she thinks she is trying to do that by encouraging the disuse of the tropes or something from her elevated profile (mainly from people writing nasty text about her online). Handcuffs writers a lot though I'd imagine if applied totally.
  12. So anyone actually see anything concrete resulting from all of this or is this just SJW fodder ?
  13. Hopefully not where he compares it to a first year course, because if so...man...he went to a crappy school
  14. Learned that saying "Told you to not get married" isn't the most tactful thing to say to someone going through a divorce, but couldn't stand any more whining from my cousin. Almost beat this cold, too, so that's good.
  15. I imagine the reaction is probably due to her criticizing video games and these people see it as an attack on a hobby they like. Well at least some, maybe the rest is just dog piling and her reaction to that just feeds more. Other than that I can't see anyone mustering up more than a shrug about this.
  16. Yeah, me too. Though I'm lazy and kinda drag myself through it. Should have done that today though...hmm
  17. I guess this is one of those 'spiritual successor' thingies.
  18. Or it's part of some broader strategy they're trying with South America or Argentina and don't mind hurting the precious UK's feelings.
  19. Finished HoTS, thumbs up to them for that Gohan vs Cell fight.
  20. Oh, go **** yourself you ******* *******!
  21. Well maybe the British will get a glorious war out of this eventually.
  22. Sarkessian's video made me wonder what's everyone in a huff about, wasn't much in the way of anything I haven't heard before and the presentation itself was rather dull. Heh, I wonder if she'll ever look at The Witcher - should be an amusing video.
  23. The Belial fight in SC2 was pretty funny, less of a pain than it was in D3. Seems like they did a retcon on the Zerg origin, though, but I guess they have to give the Horde treatment (non-evil race corrupted by the Big Bad, now redeeemd). Kerrigan's interactions being "I don't like killing" or "OBEY ME!" is a bit worn. Abathur is kind of funny in the moments when he wants to analyze Kerrigan.
  24. Also, any of you lot want an Arma 3 Alpha invite ? I guess I'll need your Steam IDs.
  25. Hm, wonder when someone will complain about this. My old manager being a Math major used to get pie for the office on these days, was kind of neat except for people stealing it.
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