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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Just guessing that he meant he doesn't want zealots, so politicians that will at least listen to a viewpoint honestly. As for voting here, well I've "wasted" my vote on the Green Party for the last couple of elections.
  2. And how does it steal backers from Torment, exactly ? Will skip this one, doubt it'd need my money anyway.
  3. And that person is probably lying anyway.
  4. Ziets can make a good business as a Kickstarter RPG story hitman.
  5. It was the 2 million goal. Where did I say I wanted it to be a racing simulator ? No need for urgency like the QFG one where it came relatively down to the wire.
  6. No need for any urgency. I guess the promise of a game between TLJ and Dreamfall wasn't enough.
  7. Luckily he'll be in Spain soon.
  8. Just that sentiment always gives me the vibe of an obligation to support CRPG Kickstarters (or any genre that's fallen out over the years) regardless of one's opinion of it. If DE hates this and wishes it fails, that's fine by me.
  9. So we're duty bound to support similar Kickstarters then ?
  10. Well getting all huffy over the hypothetical tweet would be overly dramatic as well. I just took it as claiming that if you dislike DLC, micro-transactions and all the other oft-complained about aspects of 'corporate' gaming then Torment is the game for you. Which is pretty lazy-ish marketing I suppose, but nothing more than that, certainly not that a good story is opposed to those. But then I might be not paying all that close attention.
  11. Well, I think people have already went over this. Wonder what is the criteria for a KS to fail, the funding donated by fans was used to make it, so that lessens poor sales' impact, or am I mistaken.
  12. Need a vacation. Well a "staycation" anyway.
  13. Haha that part was a bit worthy of an eye roll, but I unfortunately found myself having to stop following Fargo on Twitter. Much like how I don't care for political smear campaigns (promote yourself, don't attempt to drag the other guy through mud), Fargo had a tweet that just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm fundamentally indifferent towards microtransactions, have liked all the DLC I have ever purchased (Especially Fallout: New Vegas' - I should probably also note that I don't buy many DLC), and like strong single player stories. So Torment isn't for me? I can understand calling out that it's difficult to get funding for the game you want to make, and that kickstarter is an exciting way of doing so. I'd prefer he focus more on that rather than fostering an "us vs. them" environment which is not healthy for the gaming community in general. There's already enough petty hate because people like and prefer different things, and I'd rather (admittedly naively) not solicit additional hostility in a community that is already infamous for being quite hostile. Fargo's actions actually have me reconsidering supporting inXile. A tad dramatic. Just a silly tongue in cheek tweet.
  14. Old news, and why right now - it's funded already.
  15. Well at least Notch's self promotion pays off.
  16. I'm just saying I didn't know him at all, and I don't know what to believe. Awful dictators can still leave mixed legacies. There was an awful dictator in the Dominican republic, who cared a lot for nature. The Dominican side of Hispaniola is still green, while the Haitian side is completely deforested. Well obviously none of them are caricatures of evil, but that example isn't much of a mix - oppressing people's not offset much at all by loving trees.
  17. Well not you people. But just browsing other sites, people like the relaxed atmosphere and hanging out with Shepard's friends (although come on, there's a war on! ). Weirdos aside, anyway.
  18. Does seem like they gave people what they wanted with this one.
  19. Heresy, SupCom and TA were great Wonder if I should back this now.
  20. Wonder how well it'll do on release. Still, impressive how quickly they got the cash.
  21. Why ? Did they kill him ? Agree on him being a mixed bag, at least from the outside.
  22. There are books without those ? Been struggling through this trilogy Humanity's Fire, right now almost done Orphaned Worlds. Can't say I enjoy it that much - right now is the usual middle part sequence of setbacks and deaths of characters (although key ones get revived, I guess it works when you have god like entities about). But then again I've read 20 Horus Heresy books so who am I to turn my nose up.
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