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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. At this point, every answer to why it shouldn't be in or should be in has already been stated. I'm sure some Obsidian staffer reads this for a decent laugh.
  2. Bah, that's not fun. Aim to get involved in a scandal where you secretly fund and supply some Third World guerillas.
  3. I'm sure he wasn't a nice guy, in any case.
  4. Meanwhile Canadians are grousing over those Royals taking our money
  5. Well, you could differ between the two by one not invoking divine right or something like that. A slight difference I assume. Not that the Royals are any better than a cabal of rich bankers, though.
  6. So those are ill-gotten then too, what's your point ?
  7. Well, you must have been glad when you got the chance to kill him then. That really should be in games as a rejection option - knife to the throat.
  8. What about France ? http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/07/is-the-british-royal-family-worth-the-money/278052/ They do cost the British people a negligble amount, cancelled out by the presumed tourist revenue, it seems. So I guess they're just like Guard Dog said they are, like a zoo attraction
  9. Darn, too slow.
  10. Is funny when mushroom management affects management itself, but at least it makes this hideous project at work bearable. A little.
  11. 230 million pounds and 3 soldiers, seems pretty good
  12. Yes, and I would assume the same from a PM's son serving anywhere. As for a government just seizing land, well, they can do that if push comes to shove (and if they're booting the royals, I assume the mood will be anti-royal anyway, so who'll care). But ok, I get it, you love the Royals, etc.
  13. http://www.panarabiaenquirer.com/wordpress/royal-baby-to-be-named-qatar-airways-after-landmark-sponsorship-deal/
  14. Heh, would be an interesting court case, if the government just doesn't seize it as part of giving them the boot. Still, you'd have to imagine they'd keep high ranking royals safe regardless of said royal's wishes, may be cynical to think so,
  15. Well, some animals probably do likewise for their zoo, Bruce. The military service bit, well, have to wonder at how deep they get in, so to speak. I thought it was just Andrew that went on a trip to the Falklands, not Charles and him. Still, they do charity work and so on, so not as if they're completely idle.
  16. Seems like you are thinking it is simple as that, based on your post. Could argue for a lot of junk that way, though, heh.
  17. Can you post that link? It was just a toggle to shut off the coverage of Middleton's delivery.
  18. Media like frivolous junk. I did laugh at the 'Republican?' link on the Guardian site though.
  19. Still mucking around in M&B, kind of not sure what to do at the moment - warband is rather small. But still finding fights here and there, did get a craptastic village at least. I guess I'll give that a break once Shadowrun launches, though.
  20. So now a new argument is that the game needs romances as it'll enhance profitability ?
  21. Where did I say that active lobbying to have it in P.E. would continue? It was just my semi-humorous guess that, if someone who hasn't seen such an announcement (that happens) were to post something, it might run into the general debate over whether romance in video games is good/bad additive/restrictive etc. That's a rather universal topic, not just about P.E. Well if they said no, what would the debate consist of at that point - they'd have to argue for it to be put back in, no?
  22. Based on the way the internet/game forums tend to work ... not much would cease. The debate would probably just shift direction ... if/whenever the topic came up again. It's not a debate that is confined to a single game, really. Course, I'm a cynical old bat. If they did include it, probably would keep going but arguing over particulars, as if this chatter matters. If they said nope, it'd probably die at that - can't see the pro-romance people lobbying further in vain as they're not pathetic people.
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