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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. He's clearly an artist.
  2. A key skill in my work. "Server process crashed and prevented operations for two days" -> "A minor bug caused a slight outage"
  3. Seems a bit misguided about his role.
  4. No man should be in a Tim Hortons. Another soul crushing day at Initech.
  5. He called them pussies, so he had it coming. That's actually a position of some people (Sun readers I assume). In this case they can close the streetcar doors from the exterior AND kill power to the vehicle. No note of a hostage was seen (else they'd have called SWAT who presumably have more brains, I imagine), so really no idea why they didn't try to not escalate the situation by flaunting their testicles. Of course the Chief says there'll be action, the cop that shot him is all torn up so maybe he'll get a cushy desk job to cope with his PTSD and that'll be it. Meme-worthy photo of the office out though
  6. Nuh, Sinfest is best. For Social Justice!!
  7. It's so cute when Reddit takes outrage at someone posting a photo for mockery in a hypocritical way.
  8. Curse of Monkey Island, for the brief moments you roll with Murray.
  9. Yeah, I don't think you burst off 3 then a steady follow up of 6 as a warning
  10. Not been publicized as of yet - in a way I hope all or most of them did for at the very least it means the cop can actually aim.
  11. Worrying if that's someone spoofing the caller ID.
  12. Hm, maybe, there was the blogger complaining on behalf of the COD developer getting abuse - though still not sure what was said (I was also told that merely asking that is offensive as that's trying to judge someone's abuse by my rules...the world is an odd place to me.) But this did seem to be the trigger for gaming journalists everywhere to hand-wring and moralize about the wrong of the week (one said he was worried for Fish, though him rage-quitting life would probably be the apex of this idiocy).
  13. Heh, guaranteed it'd be that way. I remember the cops trawling an area taking DNA samples from males to catch a child rapist. They said it wasn't mandatory but the funny bit was that anyone refusing would warrant some more scrutiny.
  14. I'd think it be different offline vs online for both parties. One is more emboldened in one situation, the other would be more intimidated. At least to me, words on a screen don't offend me that much or get a rise out of me as they do in person. Likewise, insults from me to others don't get the same reaction from experience. This is just insulting or snarky comments not doing something illegal as threatening death or rape or something. Although in person, I'd imagine those would be more worrying as well..the attacker is within striking distance. Anyway, not like this will change much, people are uncivil in general these days. Shame some **** hipster going mental is the impetus for this discussion in the 'community'. We work here ?
  15. Well, not everyone is as saintly as you to put up with jerkish behaviour without taking a shot back, I suppose. Wouldn't say Fish needs to be a bigger man or anything - just needs to not be a drama queen so to speak about the whole thing.
  16. Nothing wrong with that idea, pretty much how real life works - insulting people constantly will probably get you that in return, no ? Also, wow, the panel in that video is teeth-gratingly hispterish
  17. Doesn't take long to look at 20 women.
  18. Just the dead trees really, no trees and it'd just look like a symbol of decaying industry. Just needs some neon to make cyberpunky.
  19. This forum has had a problem with abusive comments that led you to take it on yourself to post this ? Heh. As for Fish, let him cry. But good laugh at mentioning 'victim blaming' for the douchebag throwing a tantrum over getting flak back.
  20. Latest police drama here. Teen with a knife on a streetcar gets shot up. Funny that they tase him after firing 3 rounds, then waiting a bit for 6 more.
  21. Prosper'd do better.
  22. Coworker left today, worked with him for 2 years and was one of two guys I could call friend at work. Sad about it, but oh well. Did laugh at how lame his send off was, no farewell office drinks or anything.
  23. Just out of curiosity, how many game dev's names stretch beyond gaming? John Romero. He made you his bitch
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