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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, consider the reputation of the cops. Some forces people learn to not mess with.
  2. And you had to have a good reason to be online and tying up the phone line. In EU4, Mother Russia is almost secure, Lithuania is a vassal, have them, Kiev, Chernagov, Moldovia and maybe Galich as vassals between me and Austria. Next up, is to erase Sweden.
  3. He was Catholike ?
  4. Yeah I left it for a while and came back not knowing what estates were and how they worked and a whole lot more. But I guess that's Paradox for you. Got dragged into some religious war, because Catholics needed Orthodox to fight the Protestants. But I got Crimea in the fuss, so works for me.
  5. The Inquisitor is on to you, Sarex!
  6. Not a surprise, but Benedict XVI
  7. Almost too on the nose, my Tsar Vladimir has shattered Lithuania and annexed Kiev. Doing pretty well, having good luck with wars I guess - some day I'll learn this game.
  8. Barbara Walters
  9. Well EU4 game took an interesting turn, beat up Poland so no PLC soon. Problem is everyone started to beat up Poland, so Ottomans made gains and so did Bohemia. Shame I didn't grab Kiev though, the money would have been nice.
  10. An SCV's life for me..
  11. Pelé died today
  12. Had to restart Chaos Gate, screwed up my campaign from one screwup in a battle, funnily enough. The way the enemies are set up, you can aggro too many packs if you wander near but enemy ranged NPCs will wander near them - melee is the most ideal way to kill things so I've been pulling too much. Still amused that rando guardsmen cultists with autoguns are more annoying than lesser daemons. Well also and how they can survive a hit with a thunder hammer Finally got EU4 sorted (should just cheat...). Going for Russia but with Trade->Religious->Quality as the first three ideas.
  13. Orthodox Christmas is now the evil one.
  14. Back to work tomorrow. Checked my email and team clicked on for a week without me around. Guess I am redundant
  15. Got Chaos Gate Daemonhunters for Christmas. Strange that some rando cultist with a stubber is that dangerous to a Grey Knight. Janky cutscenes and voice acting, but that was to be expected.
  16. Nah, here that only applies if it's bad news for your team.
  17. Was sort of funny to see Khodorkovsky in the media here now and then as a "good" Russian.
  18. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/putin-bans-russian-oil-exports-countries-that-imposed-price-cap-decree-2022-12-27/ Feb 1 is a ways off, at least.
  19. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/12/21/russia-nord-stream-explosions/ Guess we'll never know
  20. I think the issue I had was clocking DOSBOX up to deal with the lag, entering Max Payne like bullet time makes the dogfighting easier. With the GOG version I didn't transfer my Vega campaign pilot, so alas, Black Dog is still a 2nd LT. Funny how I just breezed through a mission that was giving me hell, I guess wingmen DO need a target rather than told to do break and attack - I know Iceman tends to go for the Ralari instead of fighters in one. Finished Midgard so about 50% of the way done. Also took a break for EU4, soon Crimea will be Russian
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