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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, that is kind of true - if you're a good cop but yet don't report bad cops being bad...what good are you, exactly ? I recently picked up 'Cling together, Swing together' as an expression, suits this situation.
  2. Happy Birthday Shady. Downtown here is deserted, seems all the smart people took today off. Still working here, though I am just listening to music and staring at the ceiling until 4 pm.
  3. Needs more bikini
  4. i ve been asking this question since i was in university but where do you people find the money for rigs like that? i work a full time job and i can barely scrounge up money for moderate upgrades every now and then... this one around my parts would cost 3 months worth of pay. inb4 credit card... i'd rather keep the bank's hands out of my wallet Easy. Have no life.
  5. Or he could do something useful and learn C++.
  6. Hm, so 8Chan's days are numbered then. Hits keep coming with this.
  7. Work is nice and slow, so everyone's taking it easy.
  8. EU4 as Russia again, messed up my game but will take the beating. Ottomans, as usual, bombing up with their Crimean and Nogai lackeys. Will have to see if scorched earth and winter will kill them down a bit.
  9. Ah Chu the Warrior.
  10. What other cases have there been ? Or do you mean violence involving cops rather than on them
  11. How many women do you know working in STEM? Quite a few considering the amount of people I know, although, funnily most are not right now due to either being pregnant or on maternity leave. That whole spiel on Twitter reeked of some caricature of arts majors, but I guess they buy into that crap (Western science is western centric, who'd expect that). Even so, calling it gendered makes me think they are trying to say the field is tailored for one gender, not that one gender has most of the jobs for whatever reason (oppression, no doubt).
  12. Science is gendered ?
  13. Meh, some writer. Let us know when someone with a useful profession chimes in with outrage on the behalf of other people to show his Social Concern cred.
  14. Hey, that stuff serves a good purpose - keeps those people contained.
  15. Ah good stuff all around.
  16. So what's the latest outrage related to GamerGate today ?
  17. Hm, might be for some. Parenting should just be stick if they don't do what their told.
  18. Hm I should do that. Is a lot of DLC, damn.
  19. Elite Dangerous isn't bad. Still getting a hang of the game, rather scant documentation released with it but there was a manual released today. Have just been cruising around doing bounties, but I will transition to doing exploration and mining today.
  20. Motivate them with a sharpened stick.
  21. Would help if we had Russians in Russia here.
  22. Did get a slight chuckle out of a joke on how quickly medics and aid arrived for the two cops as they lay there dying versus Garner. Will be interesting to watch how the Mayor and police interact going forward, didn't know they turned their backs on him after he slighted them (cops are indeed tender people, it seems). I guess there's always tension between cops and their supposed elected masters, see it here, where of late the cops are in a tizzy over a board member being anti-NYPD w.r.t Garner. Is very strange.
  23. I am suspicious of the report on people applauding as the cops were being shot. Source is some dude called Carlos. The NYPD union head yelling that the mayor is responsible for this is laughable.
  24. Coke machines beware, Smart's back! As for the freebsdgirl doing stupid things with her dog, it's just a fun hammer to beat her with.
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