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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Ah, you're one of these "against Israel == Nazi" people, aren't you?
  2. That certainly explains your posts whether it's your trolling or cheerleading. But I suppose I shouldn't respond, lest I get another warning from the moderators here for being 'aggressive', even if it's to a **** like you.
  3. Oby is funnier, though.
  4. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-32026995 Playing nice now, it seems.
  5. "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best Knew he had said something along those lines.
  6. CAD exchange rate is something, Titan X is going for $1400.
  7. http://www.pcgamer.com/new-witcher-3-details-ciri-cities-real-time-beard-growth/
  8. One crowded house
  9. I assume it is her dad.
  10. Blackguards as I forgot to finish it. Did the Baroness rescue, barely.
  11. Well I'm glad you recognize that Nonek because I have found you to be particularly biased on a number of issues, accepting of a problem is the first step to fixing it. So good luck on improving your posting etiquette Yep, classic Bruce...
  12. In the end, there can be only war.
  13. Well, if mockery is "looking down on people" which is bad, from the post on this branch then there we are.
  14. Do you care? Have to love shirty's arguing style by the way. Interesting pattern how people lean too much on sarcasm in all this, even free from Twitter's 140 shackle. I am not sure why mockery is all that bad and really how 8chan's pedophilia is an alternative to it - I'm pretty sure you mock GG people all the time based on your, heh, work here.
  15. Well, everyone in this whole affair does that though - though I suppose anti-GG stuff is just really weird attempts at being edgy and Internet hardmen (leaving aside types like Kuchera that want people disciplined at work for having the wrong opinion, mind you). Shame the sarcasm and wit is so poor though, even if the arguments you can provoke are amusing. Really isn't much wrong with the derisory attitudes though online, but some people get upset and cry over it these days. Sean Penn was pretty on it when he said people latch on to things to get liked on Twitter
  16. Hm don't think it takes up that much time. And it is already part of the 'entertainment' partition so no need.
  17. Weaponizing charity, for shame. All this GG stuff introduced me to an amazing amount of nonsense terminology, which was entertaining. Guess it comes from people that took a few humanities courses or something -have to emulate their STEM betters
  18. Along these lines... Host is ridiculous but what else is new these days
  19. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-31865479 I was really hoping it was something like integrating e^-x*sin(x)cos(x)
  20. Reminds me - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_death_metal_bands Some funny stuff there.
  21. Have a feeling it will sell pretty well regardless. Hype, perhaps.
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