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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. They do share some similarities, but not sure you're really on the mark commenting on the US' honesty before they decided to set Iraq, and a lot of the region, on fire. I find it interesting how people comment that "at least the US wasn't trying to erase Iraq off the map" though, heh. But yes, the execution differs greatly.
  2. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/cyberpunks-expansion-totally-overhauls-the-original-game/ Gee...can't imagine why they'd try to underpromise. Also that feature sounds tedious to me.
  3. If only he had waited until Twitter was a thing.
  4. Yup, but it's just funny to see people saying this kind of thing when it's their team but the other team is just incompetent. Seems the offensive is going well, haven't hit the main Russian line yet, but that should not be a problem, the free intelligence and stuff like Storm Shadow and HIMARS will pay dividends. You're ignoring one giant US lie there. Rules bases international order indeed. Why I detest Blinken and his ****ing moralizing here.
  5. I think they've started to ask for money in advance. Well, or at least I hope they are.
  6. Russians need to understand the power of war porn, for sure. Well ok, NATO gear around so offensive is definitely on. Hm, will have to check around on Reddit more, is always funny to see them react when US stuff gets destroyed
  7. Pat Robertson. Guess he's going to find out how Matthew 7:1-3 holds
  8. Leopards in action, well, at least one got blown up. Offensive seems to be going well, Ukrainians making advances near Tokmak.
  9. Do they not respect the Rule Based International Order ? Just watch the real issue be some unrelated government crookedness, like smuggling jewels or something
  10. Well okay, unofficially they are in that a lot of stuff the Ukrainaians act ****y with is donated kit, but a bit different than actually participating in combat. Just the idea that Poland will go and risk it alone is a bit much. Interesting bluster to force NATO to do something, I guess.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/07/nato-members-may-send-troops-to-ukraine-warns-former-alliance-chief I am very skeptical this will come to pass.
  12. Should have hired Sasha Grey, she's been streaming D4 on Twitch
  13. Been linked before, but this channel is good for a laugh - https://www.youtube.com/@programmersarealsohuman5909
  14. Why I love my local media - CBC interviewing some Ukrainian MP who's saying this is proof Russia will destroy the whole planet if not stopped.
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/khakovka-dam-live-updates-ukraine-russia-blew-up-kherson-rcna87855#rcrd13603 US believes it was Russia. So I guess things escalate now, can see Ukraine using this to demand the next level of weapons.
  16. Steaks must be like blackened like my soul.
  17. I'm not, just about 50% of the way through. I've been skipping quests a bit rather than clearing the area mostly as I want to finish the story. Did a sidequest where a daughter was oddly okay with her zombie mother, heh.
  18. Haven't had any crashes, which is a surprise, running the game is pretty smooth - my 4790k/980 rig endures. Funnily enough my friend who is playing on PS5 has had two issues forcing a restart. Blizzard was paying the people to work on Act 4 by the hour it seems, sort of weird to go through it. Reminded me of that chapter in TLJ that was one screen.
  19. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/06/nord-stream-pipeline-explosion-ukraine-russia/ All seems a bit too on the nose, though.
  20. https://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-4s-dollar21-bone-guy-armor-is-just-another-reminder-of-how-numb-weve-gotten-to-microtransaction-hell/ O tempora, O mores
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