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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.anarchy-online.com/wsp/anarchy/frontend.cgi?func=publish.show&template=content&func_id=2784&table=CONTENT Anarchy Online has a new engine
  2. I think they were called that, or at least CBC tried to market them as such. Perhaps as they were an Anglo original six team, that's how it came about. They're useless jokes though, shame the franchise won't shut down and everyone in the organization is deported someday.
  3. Well, was playing along with the joke, after all you did state it was to "kinda decide stuff", so there's enough vagueness to allow for formal stuff. Really though, you picked the Leafs ? That talk of them being Canada's team is kind of bunk these days.
  4. That is an election.
  5. This flag is a convenient panacea
  6. Don't think anyone was doing that, but okay. Germany banning the symbols in games seems silly to me, but I am outside.
  7. Depends on how hot your summers are, but I'd look around now. Maybe check Goodwill or some other thrift shop regardless.
  8. And yet you deride Volo, amusing. Anyway, shouldn't be too surprising, nor are people lauding this for sensitivity (apparently playing a certain side in HOI is traumatic towards Jews and Slavs by some comments I'm seeing on this).
  9. For a funny example of overreacting - http://www.macrumors.com/2015/06/25/apple-removes-civil-war-games-confederate-flag/
  10. Terra Nova : Strike Force Centauri added
  11. If they were all 9 veterans I'm pretty sure they'd have rushed him while he reloaded, 9 random normal people not so much. Even if they had weapons, doubt many would have it right on them as opposed to their purse or jacket near the door or whatever. Now if they had Guardian Drones....
  12. Shame that Advent guy didn't look more like Steve Jobs.
  13. Hm, what marketable skills are they pushing over education?
  14. GTA without killing hookers after using them wouldn't be GTA. Is an iconic activity, even non gamers know of it.
  15. Hm will have to try that. Mainly used strong on golems or Imlerith.
  16. Not following how the first part leads to needing to expand the demographics of games (sucking cash out of people is the best reason). Supporting niche stuff is common sense, even if it is condemned to a certain level.
  17. I got through the game without Quen with not much trouble, on B&B difficulty mind you, sidestepping gets pretty handy - though did have some amusing instances where I keep backpedalling away from a mob. Becomes quite easy to find the rhythm, at least for me. Not sure how useful strong attack is, at least on contract monsters you have very small windows to land blows in.
  18. Is always some fuss about their portrayal in the games. They're just functional NPCs, like the mooks you slaughter, but yet some people get wound up about it. You're going to have a real thin list of things to create a setting with if you're to avoid including people who are abused in RL.
  19. People will still demand she take it down.
  20. Well Alabama's beat them to the punch, sort of. - http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/confederate-flag-controversy-alabama-governor-orders-flag-removal-at-capitol-1.3125901
  21. Wish clients would just put their questions in bullet points, having to sort through these paragraphs to figure out what exactly they want - as they'll turn around later and complain if one item was missed - is quite tedious when we really don't need to be helping them here at all. Bah. At least it is a nice day today.
  22. Hm, can't really see a method to change the way hookers work in GTA, they're like the gun store or clothing store NPCs, they are there just there for a function like lots of the NPCs. I guess one could imagine a backstory for the nameless whore on the corner. They definitely could do it with the strippers that are the 'girlfriends' in 5, though. So I guess removal is the only option to resolve this perceived problem. As for good writing in games, depends on the game - and audience, sometimes they aren't too fussed about it. UT/CS/Quake are fun games and doesn't need writing as the aim is just on the skill contests, most RPGs not so much. Don't think I've met many people that play GTA mind the story much more than they would an action flick (there are some entertaining NPCs, though) and mainly focus on other things in the game on, free-roaming or shooting or stunts, etc.
  23. No tragedy goes to waste, I guess. Hah, yeah right. Might not be much bad feeling if the people of SC do it and aren't feeling bullied by enlightened people north of them, but fat lot taking this flag down is going to do. I guess some people will pat themselves on the back from it.
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