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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. CEO holding a big meeting to detail the 'journey ahead' and other stuff. Probably will be Well, that or our jobs are outsourced to India.
  2. AoW 3 and Blackguards 2 look nice at that price
  3. Nah, I am sure what they will deliver will be more corny, sorry, EPIC and full of one liners. Zertaul already has a dramatic "My life...for Aiur! *psionic blade ignites", I suspect Raynor will have a dramatic visor close with turn and some angel symbolism for Kerrigan. This was an interesting read - https://seanmalstrom.wordpress.com/2010/10/24/the-problem-with-starcraft-2s-story/
  4. New sale up, I am rapidly approaching owning everything I want on GOG though, heh.
  5. Embarrassing to admit, but I did say "What the ****?" out loud when we find out the Overmind's 'nobility'. I am just expecting us to use some magical Galaxy Pylon to destroy Amon as he arrives using Zerg and Terrans to hold the line while Zeratul and Kerrigan sacrifice themselves.
  6. It will be better than Wing Commander
  7. Ah remembering a prof saying he would only help those doing well and the C and D students could go to hell. Small wonder no one was sad when cancer took him.
  8. That just makes me feel old.
  9. People who read all the books do that to me, playing the games and the manuals give stuff pretty easily.
  10. Now that, I would like to see, maybe if it is side by side with Metzen's tears at his race being brutalized. Alliance really should have managed the cost of the internment by executing the Horde down to a financially viable level
  11. Typical Blizzard, one movie and they have to make it pro-Orc.
  12. Nope, pauldrons are reasonably sized
  13. PVP is probably simpler to implement ?
  14. Fallout 4 PC screens - http://imgur.com/a/Wj4dm
  15. Why should Star Wars be the only one to tease trailers
  16. The missed stuff will make people believe them less regardless (even if it's not a suspicion of malice, it can just be a lack of faith in their developers general ability to deliver). Even if some content couldn't be done to meet the release, like the Ogre content or Farahlon (that latter one irks me a bit, always found Netherstorm cool) would be interesting to know why they didn't release it later. I guess deciding to cut losses on WoD ? Also, just remembered ****ing Wil Wheaton is hosting BlizzCon, argh.
  17. Refugees as weapons, what a weird time we are in
  18. Well, the thing about everyone wielding an iconic weapon is a bit more than just appearance. But any sense of RP or character in WoW's changed a lot - or at least my sense of it. I preferred the old talent trees where I could mix and match a lot more and get neat things like my Holy/Prot Pally and seemed less pigeonholed, heh. Is just funny timing to do this right after announcing another drop when they could have done it midway before the first decline in WoD to avoid the optics of this. Hopefully Legion isn't all lies ;p
  19. Well, this week is Blizzcon so maybe we'll get more Legion info. Though I am slightly unimpressed by the artifact thing, even with cosmetic changes, will be a bit boring how homogenized the game seems to feel these days - though I suppose everyone in the same gear was always an issue, heh. Should be a good test to see how many people were burned by WoD, I suspect it'll make up for all the losses at least initially. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/blizzard-will-no-longer-report-world-of-warcraft-s/1100-6431943/ No longer reporting sub numbers, heh.
  20. Well, the bleeding had to stop eventually, WoD really didn't turn out as well as it could have but oh well. As for the Community sucking, heh, well any run in LFG or LFR will prove that. Never before have I wanted so many strangers dead.
  21. What, don't you know violence done well is f**king hilarious
  22. https://vid.me/kjthemonarch More videos, crappy quality and dude talking
  23. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/02/us-egypt-crash-idUSKCN0SR1FH20151102 For all that's worth anyway, airline said it was an 'external influence'. Guess it's just WAGs for now.
  24. http://www.startrek.com/article/new-star-trek-series-premieres-january-2017 Star Trek to return to TV
  25. http://www.pcgamer.com/deus-ex-writer-each-ending-in-human-revolution-was-the-correct-ending/
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