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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Thought it was Investigation. Although the FBI is the domestic intelligence service (CIA/NSA overreach not withstanding). After reading some cyberpunk material, I don't dream of that future
  2. Yeah right, a sober Serb.
  3. Should have just given 2022 to the US, or at least not Qatar. See how much all the crusaders against corruption would care then
  4. I don't. Man's an unfunny clown. Looks like I may get that job after all, huzzah. Will miss the freedom of unemployment, was nice to wake up at 7 AM and just do whatever I wanted. Ah well, back to being a slave to The Man.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYuonYJFAzM&feature=youtu.be
  6. So, it's incredibly loud ?
  7. Indeed, but it's best along these lines
  8. Refugees are amazing PR here, PM and local premier got photo ops and it is a good sell for Canada,heh. Had to laugh when a reporter was jerking it to Canada for not being like Hungary. Comparable situations. Apparently they can't find housing, some landlords want a year's rent up front. These are privately sponsored ones, mind you. Public ones get our crappy government housing.
  9. Made it to the last round of interviews, so should be ok. Place isn't amazing but pay is pay and I get to play with Java.
  10. Maybe she can give more details on life in Malaysia
  11. Another Chosen One, I guess.
  12. Seems Abrams didn't **** it up. Kind of a shame in some ways.
  13. http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article49766215.html
  14. One day, he and Keanu will meet for the Prize.
  15. http://www.craveonline.com/design/934507-online-group-attempts-blackmail-lucasfilm-releasing-star-wars-force-awakens-spoilers
  16. http://m.thestar.com/#/article/entertainment/movies/2015/12/16/star-wars-the-force-awakens-is-the-best-movie-of-2015-review.html Generic enough praise.
  17. Man, Donald Trump is the final form of Rob Ford.
  18. Thatcher is the Jesus to Reagan's God for them, no?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ysn0bZAQMU
  20. Actually, if this spoiler I read is true....
  21. None of my schools ever shut down for bomb threats, teachers probably thought none of us were smart enough to work explosives.
  22. Terrorists win.
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