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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”― John Adams In any case, blame Hamilton and Jefferson for the US having two parties I like how we missed that one BUT BY GOD GUYS THE FOUNDING FATHERS SAID WE NEED GUNS IN AN ERA WHEN THE RIFLES WERE DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE FULLY AUTOMATIC 30-BULLETS-IN-THE-CHAMBER ASSAULT RIFLES WE HAVE TODAY. NOPE, NO NEED TO REGULATE THAT AT ALL! Don't think full auto rifles are very easy to get in the US. Though not like that is a problem, single fire is much better. Heh, read a letter to the editor about cops being heavily armed...with .40 Glocks
  2. “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”― John Adams In any case, blame Hamilton and Jefferson for the US having two parties I like how we missed that one BUT BY GOD GUYS THE FOUNDING FATHERS SAID WE NEED GUNS IN AN ERA WHEN THE RIFLES WERE DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE FULLY AUTOMATIC 30-BULLETS-IN-THE-CHAMBER ASSAULT RIFLES WE HAVE TODAY. NOPE, NO NEED TO REGULATE THAT AT ALL! Don't think full auto rifles are very easy to get in the US. Though not like that is a problem, single fire is much better. Heh, read a letter to the editor about cops being heavily armed...with .40 Glocks
  3. No need for an essay when a clause will do. Succinct, to the point and gets the important take home message across as quickly and easily as possible. Good luck convincing him of that. At least it wasn't overly whiney though.
  4. Guess I am becoming mellow in my old age
  5. Malc I have been meaning to ask you something, when I first joined these forums over 3 years ago you use to be very cynical all the time...well thats how I remember you. Anyway you have changed a lot for the better IMO....you dont seem cynical anymore and you often say very funny or insightful things Have you changed or did I just misunderstand you previously? Sorry if I'm putting you on the spot but you really seem different and I wanted to mention it Nope. Same as always
  6. Just because CCP makes good trailers
  7. Chyna and now this. Bad day for celebrities.
  8. Think that is just a Greek serial killer thing.
  9. Guess we're all going to be bitches.
  10. Man would have spared myself Matrix sequels by just looking at Bellucci
  11. Cruz is like most Canadians. Fake
  12. Nah. She's not warm and charming. Which is fine by me in that aspect, the hell do I want a likeable person as a leader. Seems like a cold operator to me. But I guess people want the game to change. Sharing position on issues is an interesting thing as well, pretty much any conservative will be in the negative zone on her in that aspect.
  13. The likeable is pretty silly to consider. That was one reason people used for GWB if my memory serves me, heh
  14. Wouldn't we have to get rid of the oligarchy of moderators first ?
  15. Looks like it might not be crap
  16. I had high hopes for Max Payne doing that once. Ahh, optimism
  17. Mine were a bit too high. Looks like something out of Syfy but I will go see it most likely.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UdSpFXz8Q4 Mafia 3 out Oct 7 too
  19. Interesting. Figured the kid would get offed, would be too unrealistic if they held up an assassination for that. Will have to nab that when it's out.
  20. Guess they kill the kid then?
  21. Got to insult someone on the streetcar who started dramatically whining over a crying baby. Always am amused at how low people's tolerance for that is. A good day. So far. Warm weather too, means I have to let my dachshund sunbathe.
  22. What are you basing that on? Heh. Sounds like Toronto and we're all enlightened and so on here. Was disappointed when I was in Georgia and Mississippi and not everyone was wearing mirror shades.
  23. Just as long as he doesn't end up speaking in metaphor.
  24. I'd probably be inclined to kill the other 6. The dog is one of my own, they're not This sort of statement causes me to reflect on what has gone awry with our species. A dog will never write a symphony, let alone appreciate one. They will never provide insight into the nature of reality. Its capacity to produce, appreciate, and relate are so comparatively inferior, yet somehow humans will frequently elevate them beyond their own kind. I don't understand this. Dogs have been selectively bred for social compatibility with humans for hundreds of years. Their affection has been cultivated the same way grapes have been selectively evolved by humans for enjoyment. Pinot Nior vs. Sauvengion Blanc. Doberman vs. Chihuahua. When people start valuing another species more than their own--let alone something as simplistic and inferior as a dog, I begin to suspect projection of a cognitively dissonant self-loathing. Somehow tossing human survivors overboard to their deaths is a sane statement, yet making an equivalent statement like, "I would murder half a dozen innocent sapient beings and feed them to my demonstrably inferior emotional toy should I deem it necessary" would be considered psychopathic. Bizarre. Took longer than I thought, but no less amusing.
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