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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. How on Earth was DoW2 a MOBA-wannabe? Commanding single heroes with abilities. I guess, is a stretch though
  2. New D3 season. Carpal tunnel syndrome, ahoy!
  3. Add others as DLC Base building is back, interesting, I liked DoW 2's setup but didn't dislike the building. Something to look forward to But, there is that saying about hope.
  4. Always knew you West coast types sucked at math. But excited to see what it is. Hopefully Captain Hairgel returns.
  5. Indeed, God created these forums to test the faithful.
  6. I'm not sure that's the highest purpose of an internet forum and the most worthy pursuit one can engage in on one. %membername%, what is best in forum posting? To flame your enemies, see them driven before you and watch the lamentations of their alts. I would have gone with printf.
  7. Is good to have a safety net even if it can be galling to see abuse of it.
  8. Yeah, "purpose" and "internet forum" are a comedic mix.
  9. You need to find something more interesting to do with your day. Repainting a lot of rooms in the house, so that means moving stuff. Eventually have to put in wood flooring, which will not be fun - guess we'll have to do this in phases as we've no space to clear the entire floor at once.
  10. How active is it? I have logged on a few times and left after about 10 minutes What abuse do you receive, do you mind going into detail ? Kinda active. The abuse is barely worth calling it so, low level racism, sexist stuff, etc. It is good to rate their paltry abuse, escalates their aggression and I win that way a bit as the troll becomes the trolled. Nothing will reach the zenith of me being called a Catholic Jew ****.
  11. Well...it is because I get paid for it. But otherwise, it feeds my rage.
  12. Played more GTA Online. Is amusing to get abuse as I have a female characterm as it is so low level. Rather stunning how easy it is to cheat though. Also will give Star Ruler a go again to absolve myself of the shame of giving up on it earlier due to not grokking it.
  13. Is easy to cheat in The Division apparently http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/04/analysis-the-division-may-need-complete-rewrite-to-fix-hacking-problems/
  14. They need to make a AC-5 gunship :D
  15. Yup, been through many revisions and expected to be used for another 10-20 years I think. Age isn't everything, people still use AK-47s and 74s to good effect and other stuff is 'old' in the military space. Guess the 52s are somewhat costly to fly, though.
  16. Waiting for it to all come out (and on sale) is a good plan it seems
  17. Someone needs to squeeze him on what 'rebuilding' the US military actually entails and what is broken with it right now that prevents it from doing its work. As for changing US policy to serve US interests, that seems like no change at all ? And caring about how people "feel" ? Trump's a SJW! D'oh missed the transcript link. Odd to read. But ok, was as expected the US military is too small, using B-52s, etc. That section on rivals is rather amusing as well. Cuba, Saudi Arabia
  18. Even sillier than the first Homefront, heh.
  19. Hit a wall in Rt3, the Rhodes scenario, will give that a bit of a break. Going back to Tropico 5, kind of 'meh' about this as well. Not sure why people are choosing shacks over tenements though
  20. This thread shows we need oby.
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