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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. If only everyone else's raise as well, I guess. Would be interesting to see how prices would shift. Something galling about the numbnuts at my local Subway earning 15 an hour though.
  2. Is that common? Mine never did, did Shakespeare, Fitzgerald, Conrad, Steinbeck, etc. but never brought up Dante. Of course the Bible was already covered due to Catholic school.
  3. Well not sure how many accents but Maritimers, Quebecois and Ontarians speak differently. I imagine Albertans too, but maybe they are putting it on to sound Texan or something Not as diverse within a small area as England though, but diverse enough.
  4. No such thing as an American accent, though.
  5. I dunno...you sound like the average Tory
  6. According to Elerond and Bruce, no major problems at all. Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Er ok. Well you brought it up but no detail at all.
  7. All good stuff. Trying too hard with their code names therem
  8. Sensitive people here.
  9. Six figures isn't a that great with kids here in TO and I suspect SF is worse. While I suppose you can raise 2 kids in a condo, not sure living space is just luxury. Townhouses here are maybe 3bd and run 800k or so. Detached are 1 mill plus, I think
  10. Reminds me I still have to beat that scenario in RT3. Also that it glosses over colonial atrocities!.
  11. "I can't be racist, I don't hate black people! In fact, I have many black friends!" *cough* white fragility *cough* Did he say that in the post earlier? Given China's engagement in Africa recently I just took it as that in his post on trusting them. Or not sure what the heck that is to mean to me, other than I posted the same earlier today, heh. As for Gftd's advice, amusing but he is still correct.
  12. I would. But I hate you for so many other reasons.
  13. So did we ever find out what the problems in Sweden were?
  14. Presumably it was the entirety of the Chinese people, acting in complete unison, who did this. No it was every single Chinese person...all 1 billion of them But on a serious note you cant separate how they do business in Africa They have a certain trade approach but its harmful and they lied to us My point is that this doesn't magically make racism "okay". I mean, jesus Malc, use context. Hah, racism. Pretty clear to me he's not speaking of hating the yellow devils but, alright, heh.
  15. Didn't we go over this once before, referring to the state not people. Hm...eventually we may be able to have arguments by number or make Bash scripts to do this for us.
  16. Shocking, isn't it It is amusing when people claim they are a literal example, mind you.
  17. Ah yes, the "I have lots of black friends" angle.
  18. My game is pretty slow, can't find enough planets to colonize and there is a Fallen Empire right next to me.
  19. SJW always used to be the kind of person for whom the Warrior was ironic. Seems to be different these days.
  20. So happy, Tottenham lost and Arsenal won, so Arsenal finished ahead of them for 21st consecutive year
  21. A nice grey day here, rainy with a high of 50 F.
  22. That RetroAhoy video was fun, nothing new though. Should re-read Masters of Doom
  23. Startes off in Stellaris just with the tutorials so far. Early days but I sense a decent amount of depth to things.
  24. I am not sure. Words of wisdom, I know. Well threatening consequences is the only way to get things done. Also, this is why they need to make Amentep a moderator
  25. What are you, some kind of live and let live hippie?
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