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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wonder why they chose shields for production. That is a more interesting question
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=hcyL6MX3u6E
  3. Nah I think he took a useful major.
  4. Does it ever leave the red here?
  5. Stuck in Stellaris, AI empire is pushing my borders and the Unbidden are just smoking people near their invasion point despite being surrounded by 5 empires.
  6. Day #2 of decluttering. Still sucks as mainly my mom's raging and cursing at everyone. Not looking forward to redoing the floors, that kind of thing is best done before you move in so will lose use of bedroom for probably 4 days (contractor said 2 days. Hahaha). Also noticed one contractor stole some stuff from our garage. Really hate that entire profession.
  7. Watched Predators. Wasn't as awful as I expected, really - I had thought it'd be some AvP level of crap.
  8. Decluttering the house. Would be ok, if it weren't for family members just losing their **** over every little thing. I guess this beats working
  9. Always love when there are metal shows at the venue near my house, walking home it's amusing to see these dudes clad in leather with skulls all over their jackets, rings, belts, etc.
  10. Not too bad for a first shot, next time I will have to expand a lot more. Never any luck with suitable planets
  11. 2300. I wasted time I guess. Maybe the Fallen Empire near their invasion point will take them but I doubt it.
  12. Unbidden showed up in Stellaris. And I have a tiny 7k strength fleet. Well, this game is done.
  13. Overblown contact but I dunno why he was going over there in the first place.
  14. He's fine to not be interested in it. Though while looking up what this crap is about did come across one rather mean tweet https://twitter.com/thelindsayellis/status/732599073723850752 One of the replies near the top.
  15. Boring at this point
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GltRlNy1544
  17. With love you use a knife. Hate demands fire.
  18. Other than the cat puzzle, what other ones? Every game has one awkward one for me (I still hate a few from The Dig), but for the most part they are all pretty easy. Granted there are just bad adventure games, where the puzzles are just bad - see AlternativA.
  19. For #2 if it meant they would get a day off, they should say yes Appreciate that post Indira.
  20. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/05/18/editorial-an-end-to-git-gud-you-dont-need-to-be-good-at-games/ John Walker on why you can suck at a game but still review it. Also that Stellaris is difficult to him. Weird
  21. Searching for that is just giving me Breitbart, will have to look further I guess. Probably just generic bad areas rather than something dramatic as conquest.
  22. Volo you don't know what a Tory is ? Term for the Conservative party here
  23. It's increasingly common to not bring up all sorts of people that matter. ie: It's safe to safe that some or even all of the names you mention will remain largely unknown to a great many students out there as the curriculum they are taught does not include them. The average modern public school system, and university system fails it's students in quite large ways. This is sadly, and somewhat scarily, increasingly true, as many on the front lines (parents, teachers/professors, and even occasionally students themselves) will attest to. Insofar as Dante's importance to western literature, of those you've mentioned a great many would say he's only second to Shakespeare (if even second at all) in regards to influence he's had on it. Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Goethe are names one should know. They arguably more than anyone else have influenced western literature in the last ~1000 years or so, and consequently the culture at large. Going back further: Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, and Virgil are names in literature one should know. The bolded of arguable extra-special import. Then you have philosophers people should be familiar with if not at least aware of, but sadly a great many aren't: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, Aquinas, and Locke are all names one should know well. There are certainly other names that could be mentioned, and there's also of course works that people should be familiar with that have no known author, ie: Beowulf. I highly recommend reading all of the above. Not at least being familiar with all of the above indicates a sizable hole in one's knowledge of western civilization, and the world at large. Fill it if you have to. I know of them, never really interested in them that much though - guess that is why I chose Engineering . But just went over the material we were taught. Only can do so much in English classes I guess, and we did a fair amount. Even subjected me to Joyce. Ick.
  24. Armchairs abound here.
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