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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Canola is good oil.
  2. Didn't say they were. But acting like a prick takes many forms but they all spring from the same defect.
  3. Doesn't seem much worse than ridiculing a disabled person or any of the other Twitter troll like BS he always spouts.
  4. Shame the cast still lives though.
  5. It's not either or.
  6. Eh Trump runs his mouth like a total **** so it's hard to bother treating him as human.
  7. If I recall it ended up with us discussing the best way to murder someone until we realized we were in public and people were giving us looks.
  8. As my friend says, nothing says good bye like a .45. Then another said .357 and then things went off rails.
  9. Words are dependent on the architecture
  10. I just know him as the guy from that ****ty band
  11. Ah, gaming as a service.
  12. Won a 65 inch TV in a contest at work, so going to sell it I think. Just need to find a buyer
  13. WoW. These legion invasions enabled my alt to go fron lvl 13 to 65 in a week. Also playing the new Nova missions. Should play on Easy, I am awful
  14. Okay, the idea of a Daily Mail investigation cracked me up
  15. Going to be a long wait for DX to get cheaper
  16. CBC had great coverage. Even with the bull**** homerisms and Nigel Reed
  17. Door Kickers. A thing of beauty when a plan comes together.
  18. That assumes every one banned was doping. But they are down 20 or so from the previous two games.
  19. Bah, damn Brazil. German team did well with no stars at all.
  20. Canadians didn't screw up. That was a shock
  21. Well truth is truth. I don't need someone deciding what I need to know when it comes to some kid killing a dog, if it were me. I would probably want to throw the parent down the stairs if anyone, is their **** up.
  22. http://www.pcgamer.com/deus-ex-mankind-divided-review/ Seems DX:MD is decent. Hope there is a long elevator ride
  23. Or someone really passionate about Hondas
  24. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni60161371?linkId=27811759 Bleh
  25. Alberta is Canada's Texas. Complete with cowboys and guns
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