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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Robert Miles died. Only know his Children track.
  2. Guess government does move slow if it took 4 months.
  3. Pretty amusing explanation given, too
  4. Ha ha ha ha Edit: I look forward to when the new mayor of London announces a policy that stopping a beheading is not allowed since the beheader might cut himself. Who knew chavs could be so clever.
  5. Ah ok. Well usually the rule is no politics or religion. As it is just zealots baying at each other. Corporate mandatory training today. The sexual harassment one is hilarious, questions are some huge stereotypical examples of it. At least the accessibility one was not so blatant
  6. What was it about?
  7. Ryder tracking him with his eyes at least works
  8. Was what I expected. Meh.
  9. They may have nieces or nephews. Would be a good premise for a novel, a world where only the parents have a say.
  10. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks. I wonder if there's a limit to the quote block, anyone care to help me test it? seeing as it is the most compelling question heretofore birthed by the thread... Do we have any black members in this forum, anyway ? yes Okay, was just trying to recall that. Would have been funny if there weren't, then this thread'd have no point. The real question is do people get banned for extensive quote pyramids here like they used to be back at BIS/Interplay? I will test that out for you. Also, the view on mobile is great, view of a post is 3 characters wide
  11. Speaking of marketing. Trailer out today, I guess at a convenient Pacific time
  12. Yep, audience changes. Things one might have found deep and challenging is now tedious. Good example for me was a discussion recently about reagents in WoW of all things, heh.
  13. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/332321-epa-dismisses-five-scientists-from-major-review-board-report
  14. Poor way to ask the cop about it, should just ask directly about the reason. Nothing out of the ordinary for that, cop won't have much reason to think it's involving a third party and not suspicious enough to mention to anyone else. Kind of stupid to inform Bob as well.
  15. Well maybe in Alberta..
  16. Spring means the battle against the ant insurgency begins again.
  17. Always funny when standards are defined reciprocally, not a shock Twitter users are there, heh. Was expecting a lot more to that joke though, meh.
  18. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks. I wonder if there's a limit to the quote block, anyone care to help me test it? seeing as it is the most compelling question heretofore birthed by the thread... Do we have any black members in this forum, anyway ? yes Okay, was just trying to recall that. Would have been funny if there weren't, then this thread'd have no point.
  19. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks. I wonder if there's a limit to the quote block, anyone care to help me test it? seeing as it is the most compelling question heretofore birthed by the thread... Do we have any black members in this forum, anyway ?
  20. Usually is my experience is that most people complaining about societies always seem to call in to AM talk shows.
  21. Which would be kinda sexy, no? (I'm assuming you're referring to Brazilians) Doubt it, I mean beige hasn't caught on again in computer design, right ? Wonder why they chose that colour anyway.
  22. I should give that a go in multiplayer, 4X games are a lot more fun in MP - even with logistical headaches as a result
  23. Depends, are you a wussy modern fps gamer?
  24. You need help
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