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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Good luck to your kid. Is sort of good to learn to deal with **** sooner than later, but stilk sucks the teachers don't help. Heh, remember one kid watching a bully choke on a bone or something and not help. Later told the teacher that he was ok with watching that dude die
  2. Apparent CIG says that is fake news. Was only $330. Which is a stupid amount to spend, anyway. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/tired-of-waiting-star-citizen-guild-gets-a-45000-refund/
  3. Well accusations of xenophobia certainly came from a funny source this thread. Antifa seem about as impactful as ultras.
  4. They use LISP in hell
  5. Better to teach them something useful like C++
  6. The way they cut support for older models is one issue.
  7. Scrolled down right to that, hah.
  8. Oct 4 for that, I hear.
  9. My S4 isn't going to get patched for that BT vulnerability, so am looking at a new phone. Think I need financing. Things are expensive as hell. Kind of need one as work's 2 factor uses an app, bah.
  10. I am angry I didn't rip him off instead
  11. Libertarians see a huge chunk of Asia as their business?
  12. Was hoping it would have been greater than 8
  13. Got Silver in the Africa scenario in RT3. Got lucky with the economy seeding. Almost cleared the game. Hm nuts then have the expansion.
  14. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/blueborne-vulnerabilities-impact-over-5-billion-bluetooth-enabled-devices/ Bluetooth vulnerabilities identified.
  15. Maybe it's a game set in a world where combat is carried out via drone ? :D
  16. So Abrams is back for episode 9. Writing and directing
  17. Those are the roids you're looking for
  18. She's in for some nasty messages I am guessing.
  19. Montenegro has the best anthem
  20. Hope is just the first step on the road to disappointment.
  21. Watching these poor CNN guys report while being blasted with water and sand. Wonder what kind of pay they get for this duty
  22. Playing Railroad Tycoon 3. Got a chuckle out of a mission where I have to unify the country of Africa. That scenario is pretty hard too. Anyone try Railroads?
  23. Then a motherboard or RAM
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