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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-ruling_non-royal_national_leaders_since_1900 almost all are from Africa, rest from commies ruled states And? well he asked about EUROPEAN ones, thats why I pointed that our, don't be touchy I just assumed he wasn't so stupid as to not be able to find the first European going down the list. Silly me.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-ruling_non-royal_national_leaders_since_1900 almost all are from Africa, rest from commies ruled states And?
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-ruling_non-royal_national_leaders_since_1900
  4. They should have hit them with water cannon. Puts out the fire risk. And an amusing parallel.
  5. Dale Earnheardt calling for a coup d'etat (or a kudatah)!
  6. Funny to see NASCAR in this fuss now. Wonder if that lot will be upset at politics in sport.
  7. World's largest oil reserve, largely untapped. Country nationalized it's entire oil industry which was built on labor of foreign industries and foreign investment. It's now an authoritarian socialist state keen on purging (letting starve) or pushing out as much of it's population as possible to limit how large a population the state needs to support. Famine and riots are rampant. It's a country that large swaths of the population would emigrate to an immigrant country if given the chance due to the current conditions. Something to do with all of that. Yeah but was looking at it from a safety (supposedly, anyway) point of view. Should be every poor country on Earth as well by that metric.
  8. Well our Hudson-esque manager broke and resigned. Can't blame the guy, guess I will start looking around as well.
  9. Only if you divide by n.
  10. Sure. But is rich that he complains about SJWs, when he acts the same way. Or his general whining about liberals. Wouldn't be all that shocked to find how wide a net he tosses coverage into to discount it as being mean to Trump. After all, negative reporting is unpatriotic. So why is Venezuela on the list of countries on the travel ban? Seems kind of out of place. I guess NK is as well, doubtful they even have all that many.
  11. Ah almost linked this without checking, heh. http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-vietnam-war/watch/ Have something to do instead of working today
  12. Based on past results, that seems like he's over qualified
  13. Video games happened.
  14. Kathy Rain was on sale. Still early in to it but seems worth $5. I am sure I will tire of the protagonist though
  15. And you're spun up about people being mean to Trump.
  16. No, the whole "Leave Donnie alone" tone to your posts 3 pages back. Is funny reading people upset over the kneeling players or Curry not wanting to go to the White House, people always seem to get unreasonably irritated by people's protests.
  17. Why am I a **** rider? Because I disagreed with you on one/two political standpoints and challenged something? No, I don't really care about that. Again, I'm not a Trump supporter and as hard as it may be for you and some others to believe, I don't really support alot of his actions but if it makes people feel better, I guess you can continue to falsely label me and resort to the usual troll behavior of name-calling before getting to know where I really stand. Well based on previous posts, seems likely.
  18. http://www.pcgamer.com/pubg-exec-contemplating-further-action-over-fortnite-battle-royale-similarities/ Bizarre.
  19. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/09/donald-trump-nfl-anthem-protest-alabama-rally-video-quotes-kneeling-fired-soft-concussion I guess ****-riders like SonicMage are in line with this.
  20. Okay ? Have to admit anyone with Trump as a surname shouldn't be talking about how bad cyber bullying (well or just plain old ****-posting) is.
  21. People need to grep more
  22. Spent the day looking at phones. The Huawei Honor 8 looks like it might be worth it.
  23. Can you become a moneylender and start on your way to conquer and ruin the world? Not sure, people seem to say it's just Guild 2 dressed up. Still a fun game, nothing like being a baker that is married to a robber baron and winning the game by having 5 thugs jump a 70 year old man outside of town.
  24. Didn't notice this but you can pay money to beta test The Guild 3 and hope they fix bugs. Aka Early access on Sep 26 http://store.steampowered.com/app/311260/The_Guild_3/
  25. So they should lay off Trump out of a sense of patriotism ? Amusing.
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