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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Kids needing mental health days? Huh.
  2. Excellent, we've all dodged potential blame
  3. Well, yeah, it's a way to get you to enroll for their service. But it was what Amentep was mentioning so. SSNs (or SINs in Canada) are a really bad central point of failure. Three of their execs sold stock before they made this announcement Maybe China is on to something with executing white collar crooks
  4. https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/potential-impact/
  5. Even some people in Canada are affected, always good news. Some day people will take security a tad more seriously. Maybe if some CEO gets put in a ditch because of it, not likely any other way.
  6. http://imgur.com/n8Moni6 Have fun with the arrangement. You might need to download the picture or copy/paste it into paint or whatever you use, depending on your screen's resolution. As far as (KKKodexian) internet tripe goes this is pretty mild, although some of the posts are clearly written under the influence. ...and with that, let's leave it out of this thread, lest it gets locked. Might be better to split off the part and move it to WOT, but it's not like rat's bums are given and all that. *shrug* Good thing he didn't post in the **** thread.
  7. Grinding along in WoW. Kind of funny that my DK buddy gets ganked often but yet people just ignore me on my Holy Paladin. I guess they figure I'll take too long to die. Anyway, Argus is a nice patch, the invasions are decent touch (I guess they may finally rip off the rifts from Rift, some day ). Still have to put up with the lazy writing that can be summed as "**** over Character X", but what can you expect.
  8. This is why you never post on the Internet. Or at least, create many burner identities.
  9. Didn't know about this use of Scroll Lock https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/forcing-a-system-crash-from-the-keyboard
  10. True. I just asked that hooker for directions..
  11. Jacob's romance was good for the humour of Shepard being really creepy in it.
  12. 2 and 3 had you alternate.
  13. 2nd one used non union labour, obviously.
  14. And a lot of shattered glass
  15. Send then overseas to fight ISIS or something. Win-Win no matter what
  16. Heard a funny saying : "We're all on a journey through life...some just deserve to do it with a limp" Made today worth waking up for.
  17. Waste of time. Much like it is in the real world.
  18. Keep safe.
  19. It is marriage killing you. But go see a doctor, you have a decent health care system, right?
  20. I'm not sure anything could remove that vermin.
  21. Syberia 3 63% off. http://store.steampowered.com/app/464340/Syberia_3/ Still too expensive
  22. And she'll have "I gave up my nobility for you" to hold over him
  23. Hopefully we can also feed the dead child workers to the people as well. Make it more Grim Dark.
  24. Yep. Had thought deuce and a half trucks would work but apparently they have had trouble. Still, not sure what an armoured vehicle is needed by local cops, and not as if that armor is required for water. Also why not give those to the National Guard, they get activated in these floods
  25. Kelly is pulling an Appleby on Trump it seems
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