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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I'm not that far in yet -- trying to remain PURE IN THE EYES OF THE EMPEROR, so I doubt I'll see that, in this playthrough at least. Banter is pretty good regardless, with each sergeant constantly trying to out-edge each other, haha. Yeah, I'm not sure how that's even supposed to work. In a traditional RTS, massive infantry rushes is a basic tactic. But in DoWII you don't get more units and it's always just a handful of soldiers. In the campaign, you mowed down huge waves of Orks and Tyranids, which is how it's supposed to be according to the lore, as I understand it. Do you get tank factories as IG, hatcheries as Tyranids, etc...? Remaining pure gives you one confusing traitor, shame but makes design sense.
  2. Fox doesn't defend Trump? Bit curious you'd be put off by bigotry and still watch Fox. Is Fox some sort of spewer of bigotry? I've never been a fan of Fox News, but I've never seen them promoting bigotry either. Well I took his use of bigotry as being intolerant of opposition to one's beliefs rather than any racist connotation as that wouldn't make sense.
  3. Most real life relevant quote is from Bryant. If you ain't cop, you're little people.
  4. Fox doesn't defend Trump? Bit curious you'd be put off by bigotry and still watch Fox.
  5. He has another one that is good. I like the "Can you see you keyboard?" "Yes, my vision is augmented"
  6. Avitus' traitor mission has great dialogue ("Truth is a lie!").
  7. That's kind of a lousy nickname. Something like "Ruin maker" or "Scourge" would be better.
  8. Well, as much as a zing as one can expect. Chavez's labeling of Bush as Satan still tops it.
  9. Got my priest to 110 in WoW, so maybe will take a break from that. Will resume Spellforce, though I find it funny I've spent 2 hours and am still in the prologue. Must have AFK'd a lot
  10. They need to send Hannity to cover hurricanes. Well, or maybe dump him in the ocean.
  11. The lady next to Melania has a nice thousand yard stare kind of thing going there.
  12. EVE has the best story out of any MMOG
  13. Tuning into Trump's UN speech midway is confusing, he's calling for a revival of patriotism worldwide it seems.
  14. I haven't played World of Warcraft in years, but I do miss my druid healer. I'd gone through most of firelands at the time. I do miss raiding. I just don't miss the time it takes to be ready to raid. My holy paladin was a lot of fun. Great healing while wearing plate. What's not to love? I just finished the library scenario as the mercs in Mordheim. Sooo different paying the mercenaries compared to the sisters of sigmar. If you can get the positioning right, those archers really tear up bad guys. There are times where the enemy doesn't even get to my front line with even a quarter of his health. I imagine my leader giving his men the ol' St. Crispin day speech before battle. Raiding takes far less prep these days. Kind of a shame, used to make good cash off food and flasks.
  15. Grinding along in WoW. Disc priest is interesting to play, healing through damage and shields. Slow as hell to level, and without the endurance of my holy pally. Also playing ranked Overwatch for my sins.
  16. Well of course they can't separate themselves if people like you can say "The left is busing Antifa".
  17. Are they showing up to fight or just protest along side?
  18. Too expensive though.
  19. Kind of irrelevant to rely on body count to say they are worse than the Nazis. The latter had to be stopped by a conflict that killed millions, and in theory would have killed even more.
  20. Had a neighbor bitch at me for playing music on my phone with my dog on the front step. Guess dude doesn't dig Beenie Man :lol
  21. Well it is on the way to Moscow or Berlin.
  22. does anyone care anymore? They can make daily show out of this shuffWell people local to the attacks do. People in other countries probably don't care that much.How much local? I would guess that people living in countries hit by this would demand their leaders to do something about it, but as you can see in France or UK, they don't. Only people actually care are those who's friends and families are affected directly As in your city and probably country. Are you sure people aren't demanding they do something about it that isn't theatre or overreach? Not in UK, so don't know. Not sure terror attacks are as passe as shootings in Chicago, so not too sure people are just going to shrug at it. Is a separate thing from panicking as a result, at least in my mind.
  23. does anyone care anymore? They can make daily show out of this shuff Well people local to the attacks do. People in other countries probably don't care that much.
  24. Really wish Doorkickers didn't have multi level missions.
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