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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sadly finishing ME3 took the entire night. No WPF studying for me! Was trying to find the thread where we were talking about the leaked ending, recall someone commenting everything after you go up a elevator is bonkers but not sure. edit : ok, found that http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/58642-mass-effect-3/page-12 - ah, man, so much snark. I've really replayed the ME trilogy way too many times, heh
  2. Almost done ME3, was tempted to get ME:A, but $25, pfft. I guess I will try doing something productive with my time.
  3. Met an old friend from Uni by chance on her way back with lunch. All downhill from there.
  4. So you'd be Hurlsheet then.
  5. Well an intense look. Every day is a look, just degrees change.
  6. Moving them isn't purging them from history though. Museums or some place rebel dead are buried is a decent place. I guess renaming streets can be seen that way, but can see why people may not want to live on Bedford Forrest Avenue at the same time. Interesting there's a Lenin statue in Seattle, hah.
  7. Moving statues is erasing history, how exactly?
  8. And now an attack in Finland.
  9. As long as I spent $1 per hour I am content.
  10. Amateur internet analysis being bunk? I am surprised. Ah well, people of all stripes have to be justice porn fetishists so this is what happens
  11. Mystery of the universe that issues, calls and emails for annoying things always come in when you're ready to clock off.
  12. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/346995-trump-resurrects-pigs-blood-myth-after-barcelona-attack Well damn, why didn't anyone think of this before. Must be some people out there that really dig this badass scthick
  13. Aren't we still waiting for facts?
  14. God damn Madrid fans.
  15. http://imgur.com/gallery/gHcia Analogies in Essays
  16. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/pc-rts-spellforce-3-has-a-130-collectors-edition-c/1100-6452580/ Geralt's VA has a wide range I see
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-twitter-charlottesville-1.4250824 You'd think history lessons derive from monuments in the US, based on this.
  18. Need to dress it up better. Maybe "What California is doing will SHOCK you.."
  19. I got junk in the Pinatas. I prefer the Insomnia sale, mostly as it'd get stuck on some terrible game.
  20. That's all ? Well damn, people better start being afraid now. At worst you'll end up with a discussion on it, and the founders of your nation tend to be a different entity than traitors to your country that are venerated by some for interesting reasons.
  21. Well everyone in this is trying to CYA, so, everyone has a reason to be dishonest of sorts. That and its an interesting toss up between cops or a politician lying
  22. Ah, saw a video of that packing a lot of guns to go there. Kind of odd to carry more than one, though.
  23. Such is libtard socialist health care!
  24. What I burn, blunts Well weed does scare some white folk, so that could work.
  25. Assuming the cops aren't lying themselves anyway.
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