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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. And they can use the AC/DC song for the commercials
  2. His essay isn't all that bad. Though if he's not high up it is a bit amusing to think he matters (but that is down to their culture). Advocating pair programming, though? Scumbag.
  3. Replaying Mass Effect for some reason. But also plugging along in Overwatch. Competitive really is crap, leavers and throwers along with the usual toxic people make it a wonderful experience.
  4. Well that and the whole aura of BS about their pitch
  5. Why you don't write such things at work, rather surprised he didn't know that.
  6. Y'all have some weird fetishes.
  7. Finally saw Wonder Woman, was alright, nothing too amazing. Found the fight scenes kind of meh for the most part, but wasn't a boring watch.. Had a feeling I knew the guy who played Sameer, he was in the music video for Gunman's World.
  8. Her dogged defense of all things Trump on CNN was funny. But I guess she's gotta do something to get paid
  9. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-40828564 Wrong kind of banging
  10. A good rejoinder to the nerdy pick up line of "I wish I was your second derivative so I could investigate your concavities" : "Well you're that for velocity".
  11. Wasting time at work trolling Reddit.
  12. Always wonder if anyone checks if the surviving ones need it.
  13. HTFU casual! At least it's not like some of the no win states in adventure games way back. Failed in one because I forgot to get one item way back in the beginning.
  14. Problem is some **** ruins it for everyone. Like drones
  15. Nothing is more fun than a meeting with 5 people trying to kiss ass better than each other.
  16. Hopefully you can get vengeance on him later. That goes beyond being an ass and being a psychopath to kill living things because you dislike a man. Remember it though, the window opens eventually.
  17. The Phantom is a pretty jet, in an ugly kind of way
  18. Don't have an overly rosy view of military folk. Why is that? I'm curious. Well the idea that just because Kelly is a former Marine isn't going to mean he'll get Trump into shape. Soldiers can be as venal or kiss ass as everyone else, especially at high ranks I would imagine. Then there's the sheep dog and sheep style nonsense but that stuff comes from useless meshback types so not much to be done there
  19. Don't have an overly rosy view of military folk.
  20. Wonder who's next to jump ship.
  21. You... you mean that acting tough on the internets isn't enough? brb need to rethink my life Nope you have to listen to death metal and power lift, as well.
  22. List out how you are effectively standing up to MS-13. Also, saying Trump's statement was garbage in no way means one is siding with MS-13. Only cop bootlicks make arguments along those lines.
  23. Bob said it better
  24. Ah. So police brutality is acceptable depending on context? Hilarious because especially in the case of hardened gangbangers, violence does absolutely nothing to deter them. Those guys are willing to go up against los zetas without batting an eyelash. You think hitting their heads on police cars or being roughed up a bit by cops while "resisting arrest" is going to accomplish anything, other than possibly a bunch of lawsuits that taxpayers have to pick up the tab for? Nah. It's only internet badasses like you that fear police brutality, when you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why is there no info that he was talking about arresting MS-13 gang members in this article?It is linked at the end of the article: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/watch-live-trump-trumpet-ms-13-crackdown-long-island/ But given the President is endorsing police brutality, clearly PBS believed it deserved a separate article. Oh yes those brutal police not placing their hands on the fragile little snowflake heads of MS-13 gang members, those bastards.And they can't rough up innocent people they arrest or people that aren't violent offenders. In theory anyway, pretty sure the soldato do what they want. The cops applauding that is one reason that kid playing NWA at the cop's funeral was a good thing. Man, you're weak
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