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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well they didn't do that in Al Shifa at least. Although they brought incubators even though the hospital has been stating they need fuel for a while. Here's hoping the IDF walkthrough video is better this time
  2. Another question is who will be living there as well.
  3. Oh ok, I thought he was some press officer or rear echelon guy, just thought they could have easily tapped some NCO and have him do it, even if he'll sound unpolished that'd add authenticity to the presentation. For what it's worth - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/world/hamas-hospitals-gaza-israel.html "Mr. Kirby declined to provide details about the U.S. intelligence, but he made clear that it goes beyond the information collected by the Israeli intelligence service. “It comes from a variety of intelligence methods — of our own, of our own,” he said, adding that the classification of the intelligence had been downgraded so that it could be shared publicly." Hm..
  4. That video was an awkward production, the IDF guy looked unaccustomed to being in his kit (and wielding a rifle still for some reason).
  5. https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-11-13/under-siege-on-the-ukrainian-front-line-of-avdiivka-russians-are-more-prepared-for-war-and-to-die.html Nothing too shocking, more dakka is needed, Death Korps of Kreig should have Russian themes, etc.
  6. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-minister-calls-voluntary-emigration-gazans-2023-11-14/ "voluntary emigration"
  7. I am sure they'll find more Mein Kampfs, thus everything they do is justified to stop the Second Holocaust
  8. Did the new WoW patch for a bit, the races were pretty fun this time around. Gearing my alts up a bit as well, new zone and hourly activity is an ok grind, murders my FPS though, alas my PC shows its age. Also trying to redo RT3...Orient Express campaign is hell, trying to get the speed goal requires competence in routing, which I lack
  9. Hah, misread Bibi's statement and thought he meant Palestinian return, not the Palestinian Authority's return. https://www.axios.com/2023/11/11/gaza-palestinian-authority-control-netanyahu-hamas-war
  10. I said here, not in the UK. Probably is the same bit of empty theater, rattle on about our glorious dead, love veterans for 20-30 minutes then move on. Or treat the poppy like some loyalty badge. But protesting today is fine, as long as like every other protest, you're protesting rather than just wrecking things. So far seems ok, they (gasp) covered a cenotaph with a Palestine flag. A lot of counter protesters being arrested, 92 so far? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-67390343 In stuff more important than disrespecting a day :
  11. Well, not really, that is what you did today/yesterday
  12. Have dueling Israeli and Palestine flags flying in my neighbourhood, luckily have renewed home insurance with better provider. Should ask them where do they buy these flags, usually.
  13. What's the problem with it being today? Would think Armistice Day would be an anti war day. Here it's a wannabe US style military wankfest though.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-photographers-attack-200be1ba47361f1c1fc113cdaeb65d04 "The report by the group HonestReporting, however, had serious ramifications at a time of war. It led two Israeli politicians to suggest the journalists be killed. Several of the world’s biggest news organizations — CNN, The New York Times, The Associated Press and Reuters — issued statements Thursday denying they knew about the attack ahead of time." The name alone should have set off alarms
  15. They should make all the Marines pitch in for a gift.
  16. I doubt Trump would win, hate is a powerful motivator and people will fear his return even if the alternative is Biden. I may be wrong though. But even if he is there, I can't see him resisting pressure from the DOD and others if NATO is tested and the US flinches, easy sell for his needy ego to make him look like some fantasy of Reagan, defending the free world, etc. etc. May be a moot point to mention him anyway - Russia's not going to be able to mount operations for a long while as sanctions aren't going anywhere NATO's air power is greater than Russia's, their intelligence is better as well.
  17. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-humanitarian-pauses-b8fc613ffd8b9351c0dc37b90b6e10dd Well that's something.
  18. Maybe he'll bet they'll forget by November 2024 or just be too scared of Trump.
  19. Eastern European countries are in NATO, yes? An alliance Russia knew and knows it cannot defeat, especially keyed up as they are now. EU members may lack might but they have all the kit Ukraine cried for and the US will be pulled in. I can mock ridiculous marketing very freely, they are defending themselves only, which is fine.
  20. Is a very small world then. But half that lot has NATO so that's not going anywhere what with Poland arming to the teeth and the US still being a potent force - then we'd get to see who wants to get nuked over Estonia. Still unconvinced a Russian tide will swarm the globe. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67360440 https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3784439-russian-missile-hits-bulker-under-liberian-flag-off-odesa-coast.html A warning ? Coincidence (anti radiation missile going after the ship's radar) ?
  21. May be confusing what they've given for what they have, US has a lot and some EU countries as well that decide they still need a military themselves rather than sending everything. The real funny part was that Ukraine is defending the world, that scthick has serious mileage (israel is using it now, lol) His other comment that its an "equal partnership" is a bit rich.
  22. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/netanyahu-israel-will-have-overall-security-responsibility-for-gaza-indefinitely-after-war/ I'm sure Biden will yank on the leash soon.
  23. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/gta-6-trailer-coming-in-december-rockstar-confirms/1100-6518994/ Hopefully will charge real money for guns and hookers.
  24. https://english.nv.ua/nation/former-aidar-battalion-company-commander-claims-north-korean-artillery-shells-have-4-reliability-50365895.html Mhm.
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