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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Saw a new ophthalmologist. Was not impressed, especially as he wanted me to pay for an exam whereas I've had them covered by OHIP (the public health insurance) for the past 20+ years. Will have to find a new one, in addition to forking out for it, he's not affiliated with any hospital so I have to revisit for some technicians from somewhere to test my field or optic nerve. Bah, waste of time and money.
  2. Need to find a transcript. Feel like cutting his throat open anytime I listen to him. In other news - http://www.pcgamer.com/strategy-veterans-petroglyph-announce-forged-battalion-a-heavily-customisable-rts/ Another Petroglyph RTS. At least Klepacki has work
  3. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11933358 Bit of an extreme solution to nagging, but alright.
  4. Man, the amount of content I miss out on playing Rome alone in the Civ games
  5. Balloons with Get Well usually aren't held by the sick individual, no? Unless the deer was killed by someone that didn't appreciate the sentiment.
  6. Explains a lot about the dev team at work
  7. The cop feared for his life.
  8. Ended up being my favorite TW game, purely because of those Ship of the line battles.. Mmm Watched Waterloo beforehand so was synchronicity
  9. so why are you asking for examples if you know there are tons already xD Because I can't read Guard Dog's mind. Always good to ask when you hear "many" in a sentence.
  10. Yeah the thing you're not getting is that I never said it didn't count. Overblown maybe, but everything is online, anyway.
  11. We you're yapping at me about my responses so here we are. dude you don't discuss anything related to what you requested and I am the one yapping? Seems like what I provided is not suited to your view/expectation and you are unable to respond to it so you just derail this. No need to reply anymore if you are not going to discus the point - immigrants demanding change of host country instead of assimilating. Really not sure what you're on about now. Already said why one doesn't really count as such and the other is nothing new. Not really a requirement from then on to refute the overall point. Not exactly a binary situation when looking at an item.
  12. We you're yapping at me about my responses so here we are.
  13. Well, the politician isn't really a good case of immigrants demanding, a more obvious angle is there. Not sure where you are seeing I'm dismissing everything, but ok, keep nailing yourself on the cross. Given I didn't even ask you, not sure what you're on about.
  14. Yeah, I'm aware of that concern - a local referred to it once as Shakira law, so that was a funny meme for a while, heh - but was expecting it to be a bit more diverse a complaint. Ah well.
  15. That's not really them demanding, so much as some politician sucking up to them (that's how we got Family Day in Ontario), no ? One good thing about Trinidad was getting Christian, Muslim and Hindu religious days as public days off. That kind of multiculturalism everyone should be for
  16. Such as ?
  17. Playing Empire Total War, realized I bought it a while ago.
  18. Looks more like Joel Osteen.
  19. Had to laugh at Bannon saying Corker is out of line to criticize the Commander in Chief when troops are in harm's way. Who knew he advocated such servility.
  20. http://cbsg.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/live Corporate Bull**** generator. Office space isn't a comedy once you start working.
  21. My old weiner. Have another one as well, but don't have a good photo of him.
  22. Ok. And how is that going to be done practically? Libel laws exist already so why do you want some lazy shortcut and one worrying sword to hand to the state.
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/13/us/california-fire-tree-trnd/index.html?sr=fbCNN101317california-fire-tree-trnd0931AMStoryLink Fire in a tree
  24. You're ok with Trump wanting to shut down a media organization because he thinks they are lying about him ? So how would the government "push that", exactly, in your mind ?
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