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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Heh, Rockstar was on to something when they said sarcasm is the blight of the age.
  2. Come on, don't read The Sun. Not even the **** are real
  3. Huh? The difference is you guys milling about nodding to each other how TRIGGERS should totally be on everything. But I do gotta give props to the moving goal posts of those who try to equate it with nutritional labels and warning signs. *nodnodnod* But I guess we cant really quantify anything. Someone is simply TRIGGERED when they tell you theyre TRIGGERED! And the world better deal with it. So where were we? Oh yeah, that Trump, what a dummi! Don't think I have ever said anything about trigger warnings needing to be on everything. I am indifferent to them as they rightly don't affect me, but yet some people have hair up their ass over it. I believe the nutritional labels is just similar in that it is information for those that care and those that don't can ignore it.
  4. Well the Internet has been bitching about bitching for ages, so we're adhering to spec.
  5. First game is 50% off. $35, pft.
  6. Why is that different than when you do it? Sort of labouring it to death at this point.
  7. Is an excuse to link this gem
  8. Is this more up to date? Its where I store all my TRIGGERS: Not really, it's the same theme. Though I suppose there's a joke here about recursive triggers.
  9. Thought this was Rammstein. Nice though
  10. Was going to say there's always the Codex, then saw this..
  11. Could be worse, we could follow you and post things people unrelated to us are doing that are wrong. I think some guy on the corner here was wearing a Nickelback shirt today.
  12. You need to try a different joke.
  13. Not triggered, but go off on some yarn about how it weakens the species.
  14. I know you got banned for being pro-piracy in any way.
  15. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.818437?v=3EA228874839982C61383472D8F1914F Nice to see cops are lazy everywhere
  16. Surprised that's news. Wonder how the geniuses at KiA are reacting.
  17. Seems the only damage is winding up people online, for some reason
  18. Should have been a Toyota.
  19. This thread will be like the Daily Mail soon
  20. Got the new Cities Skylines DLC, so will make a city not polluted and noisy (and one that doesn't slam my CPU too).
  21. You've just been found out. You mean Volo has.
  22. https://www.duffelblog.com/2017/10/trump-gold-star-families/
  23. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/politics/wp/2017/10/20/the-white-house-is-increasingly-and-worryingly-using-the-military-as-a-shield-against-criticism/ Bit late to be worried about worshipping some one in uniform. Disappointed that no one pressed Sanders on that remark, as well.
  24. Pretty BS law by the state as well, no state contract if you boycott Israel.
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