He was referring to Sen. Warren with that, and yeah, I facepalmed and shook my head right there and then. Didn't even notice the Andrew Jackson painting earlier though, which is a heck of a blunder (the having the painting there is the blunder, that is).Oh, the horror...Sen. Warren is 100% white and she wanted to score sympathy points. Calling her Pocahontas is a natural reaction of anyone with a sense of humor. Besides Randy Marsh did the claim better that her.
The painting meltdown is even funnier. The only blunder would be to cover it or taking it down to "not offend" anyone. Rewriting history is not in anyones best interest.
Trump 2020!
Thing all Trump's people are not answering in this defense is why Trump even mentioned her as she was not at the event or had said anything prior. I guess Trump has a mental problem ?