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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Rihanna is a good sign
  2. Yup, ignition noise and everything. Even makes the clash noise once in a while. Bit of a goofy gift but it's funny how I can't stop playing with it
  3. Got a toy lightsaber so have been playing with that all day
  4. Laser sword was ridiculing Rey. I am surprised people found the porgs funny or cute, I only laughed at Ren's reactions to Hux restating his orders, all the other jokes felt flat as everyone is a snarky one liner
  5. I assume it's Muslims.
  6. Damn straight. It is if you think of money saved on child care
  7. Well saw it today, hmm, felt it was decent. Wasn't all that bored, still wish Finn wasn't in it though. The mini deus ex machinae were a bit annoying.
  8. How did you determine each group's size? Or is this some "everyone knows" tier ass pull?
  9. There's nothing "tough" or "advanced" about rank idiocy such as "women are destroying civilization". Yeah it is outrageous statement, almost like patriarchy is holding women back right? Seems a lot more bunk. Usually a claim that X is destroying civilization is some poorly masked axe grinding
  10. Interesting, can only have 2 Youtube videos embedded..
  11. Can't find anything on the bird watching trips. Shame as that sounds like a pretty fun activity
  12. Web 2.0 was such a bad idea.
  13. Good thing these people aren't subtle.
  14. So it's a CoD game ?
  15. If there's one thing in life that is overrated, it's booze.
  16. I always love statements like this, the grouping on one side is always so massive
  17. Thanks, will probably come to nothing though. Well or result in me getting fired
  18. Last day of work before my 'vacation' (a.k.a. using up holidays at work lest I lost them). Decided to say yes to try to apply to a developer role here that may be better for me personally long term but will introduce me to the disorganized slavery that is Agile at my company.
  19. I think everyone knew Hux sucked from his speech in TFA. Amazed some people think it was 'epic'
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUvNVR90bFM Rough interview.
  21. Think he's taking about unreasonable hurdles. Not quite sure it is common, but was some examples of people's birth county office having their papers needed to get their ID being far away and also having some slacker hours like 11 - 3 or something. No big deal for me, but some people lack that freedom. Just boils down to making sure everyone can easily meet a requirement when you make it so.
  22. I think that is the end point to the problem at hand. Good start would be pushing to make sure all those old documents and stuff like birth certificates that are paper only in some folder someplace are transferred to a digital format. But that'd cost money
  23. So was making my grocery list, though....
  24. Hm, or could draft them. If you serve in the military, you can get an ID that way.
  25. Well, that seems more expensive in the US - http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=87996
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