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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Good to see Civ 4 up. I suck at the game, but I can't quit playing it. Hm...kind of like life in that regard.
  2. Come to Canada then, our racists will just mutter behind your back
  3. So far highlights are QE2 being a Nazi, something about trying to get women to be cannon fodder soldiers so the machines can take over, Chinese dominance and Carrie Fisher maybe being assassinated to increase profits. What's funny is how it starts off sort of ok, then goes off the rails.
  4. Shady won't be dirt poor there though. How about Iceland ? Iceland isn't really known for it's beaches.... Beaches were not part of the requirements, as a developer i try to deliver the bare minimum And Iceland has beaches of note...well at least beaches worth putting a tourist brochure of sorts about - https://guidetoiceland.is/nature-info/top-13-beaches-of-iceland I really should take a vacation, never have taken one at all in my life.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bET74_BkiRU&t=168[/size]
  6. Shady won't be dirt poor there though. How about Iceland ?
  7. What's a vacation ?
  8. Funny reading that caption about St. Mattis recalling the situation with Dowdy
  9. This poll proves you all have terrible taste.
  10. Decided I wasn't cliche enough, so am becoming full Michael Bolton.
  11. Following this on Reddit with the typical fanboys and inability to read and conclusion jumping has been fun. I guess we are lucky it is hard to exploit Spectre
  12. https://apnews.com/19f6bfec15a74733b40eaf0ff9162bfa Nothing like creating a problem for nothing
  13. -20 C tomorrow and Saturday. Fun. You people finding snow great are weird
  14. I just hated the fact the First Order have no pursuit ships. Well or why fighters need capital ship cover (usually that is the other way around in SF type settings)
  15. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-42563523
  16. Sorry to hear that, LC
  17. Hm, so right now there are two vulnerabilities - Meltdown and Spectre. The Intel one is Meltdown and is more urgent. https://meltdownattack.com/
  18. https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2018/01/03/eric-trump-insinuates-ellen-degeneres-is-part-of-the-deep-state/23322593/ I always knew Ellen was part of a PSYOP
  19. All of this makes me wish I did better in my Computer Architecture classes. Then I might be earning big money
  20. Well, seen that Intel discovered this as of Nov 2017 or 8 months ago (though in both cases it's '"Some say.." tier of FOAF BS). Some tests with pre- and post-patch are out (in German though) https://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/news/hardware/prozessoren/45319-intel-kaempft-mit-schwerer-sicherheitsluecke-im-prozessor-design.html https://www.computerbase.de/2018-01/intel-cpu-pti-sicherheitsluecke/
  21. Well Ross Perot got dinged for it, once, though it seems a bit unfairly even if Perot is the kind of guy you feel like punching. It's one of those situations where context matters.
  22. Well in that case it was a mix of sun in the keeper's eyes and being tougher than the Japanese.
  23. Beat RRT3 but I am unhappy with being unable to beat the personal net worth targets. So will work on that in some scenarios, I guess. But other than that, looks like it is time to tackle Distant Worls, first thing is the manual. I am looking forward to it as it clocks in at 112 pages, so might be a good read
  24. I am looking forward to using this as a reason for client's systems running slow when they file tickets with me. Would be interesting to hear more on how this bug went undetected for so long.
  25. Hm, people seem to have the wrong idea about why foreign aid is given.
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