Voting is like buying milk or setting a chequing account or paying a cable bill, yup. Causing hurdles for people to go vote is a bit more dicey than the others, especially with your country's glorious history. Seems pretty obvious. Also I guess it does depend on what ID is acceptable, a bugbear for me here is the fact my provincial health card has a photo of me but is unacceptable for ID purposes. If you don't drive, which isn't too hard to imagine some poor don't, that leads to the secondary issues like I mentioned earlier.
Seems like it is an issue for some, but I guess no one will really take an honest look at it. Then again, once people born in 50-70 are dead, very likely there'll be digital records so it should be nice and tidy. As usual death solves problems
Psh, your grandma was just weak, she should have just sacked up.