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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well they will say that he was armed and walking towards them and they feared for their life. Cops will nod and call it a good shoot, ho-hum. They really should send these cops to Brazil to fight in the favelas or something.
  2. I had a 386 until 1997, no sound card at all too. So I had to imagine noises for pretty much all my games Played a lot of F-117A until I got this bug that prevented it working, so I regressed to F-19 and also played Gunship 2k.
  3. Shame I never played it when it was current, I was mostly into X-Wing and TIE Fighter so not many characters. Oddly I don't ever recall seeing it in stores when I used to browse for PC games I couldn't afford or run, but I did borrow WC1 from a class mate and found the manual pretty damn cool. I guess I might as well plod on with Wing Commander for now, after 2 I have to knock off 3 (which I also tried playing with a mouse and keyboard...I am full of unwise decisions) then 4.
  4. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/373434-trump-proposes-eliminating-federal-funding-for-pbs-npr I forget, what is the GOP's obsession with killing PBS ?
  5. Pretty sure it's always been like that, just you have to hear it now thanks to the Internet whereas before you had to read the filtered letters to the editor.
  6. Canadian ones aren't much better, huge homers as well. Most egregiously so in the figure skating events.
  7. Is that event still a waste of time until the US-Canada final ?
  8. Shame they didn't list the full bibliography.
  9. Well being smart but being lazy or lacking tenacity is no help either.
  10. Finished Black Lagoon. Not a bad show, got a good laugh of the Triad leader being right out of a John Woo film.
  11. Teenager being edgy, not a surprise. Then again, likely he won't grow out of that.
  12. Wing Commander 2. Thought the torpedoes I used were nuclear! Forgot I had the expansions actually, will be good to kill Jazz..eventually.
  13. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/373311-nunes-creates-own-media-outlet-to-deliver-news-sports-and-analysis Nunes certainly is an odd character
  14. Blew up the space station so, WC2 is done. I guess I'll go back to Stellaris until the RNG shafts me again
  15. Sad, but true. NSFW language (then again, why are you looking at videos at work without headphones? )
  16. Shame Canada is winning so many medals.
  17. Eh, it's like an obituary page. And it's always guaranteed to be a rolling thread as people die and what not.
  18. Finally getting around to watching Black Lagoon. Kind of like GTA in an anime setting
  19. Well as long as they have different UI/Xs, shouldn't be a problem. Well other than bringing more console untermensch to the forum.
  20. Maybe, but as he has France on the brain, just doubting he'll be looking at Russian parades with ICBM launchers. I guess all Mattis et al. have to do is maybe wait a month or two before the plan's forgotten about.
  21. Nah, France was the last thing he saw, so he'll want it to be better than the Bastille Day parade.
  22. Good thing too as that soundtrack is terrible.
  23. Also think of the damage to the roads the tank treads will do.
  24. I thought I had backed this. Was hoping this would be one non dud I wasted money on Kickstarter on
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