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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Which is why (one of the reasons, anyway) some people believe we are headed for another industry crash. And which people are these ?
  2. Hm two party leaders here got dumped due to sexual harassment allegations. http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/toronto/patrick-brown-resigns-ontario-pc-1.4503040 http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/nova-scotia/jamie-baillie-resigns-inappropriate-behaviour-1.4501742
  3. I play to distract myself from the ruin that is my life.
  4. https://soundcloud.com/dicepticon/ytcracker-bitness-instrumental
  5. Today's crazy guy on the street was trying to sing Manowar. A nice change from the ranting about some race or aliens.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/obituaries/ursula-k-le-guin-acclaimed-for-her-fantasy-fiction-is-dead-at-88.html Le Guin dead.
  7. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2018/01/23/novi-man-arrested-threatened-cnn-employees/1056658001/ 19 year old with too much time on his hands...well and not very smart. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/23/fbis-strzok-and-page-spoke-secret-society-after-trump-election-lawmakers-say.html Shame the other guy isn't named Simmons.
  8. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1471&desc=3
  9. Well, maybe the theme song will be good. Or they'll make a dubstep remix of it.
  10. Think the people who'd get that already have enough reasons at this point.
  11. Yeah, you would wonder that.
  12. I dunno, arguing about posting etiquette is a lot more interesting than the politics in the US.
  13. https://nypost.com/2018/01/21/police-union-slashes-number-of-get-out-of-jail-free-cards-issued/
  14. If you try to put together a semi coherent response it would be good to approve the post you respond to. Your mumbling is even dumber without the post you respond to... Yep must be just the arguments that has you so victimized.
  15. It's like Reddit in here.
  16. https://apnews.com/7cab698916344a84894a2ae97c1ab395 Well, that was quick.
  17. Because they are individually so, but also don't have the same power as a lobby group at that level. It's simple, really. Et tu, Amentep.
  18. Hm, it's not hard to see what she was getting at, she should have said 'respected the same as' though to be totally clear on her intent. Also yeah, I double posted, TrueNeutral, what are you gonna do about it ? Point out what a lazy tosser I am?
  19. Nothing to do with cynicism, maybe overthinking a joke. Does seem like an old joke, I can swear I've heard something about this before. But I suppose if he manages to troll even a handful of people a year it's worth the effort of painting it and maintaining it to him. At least in the months without snow - unless he has some sort of heating system but I can't imagine that'd work well (he'd get nasty ice damming, no?).
  20. Hm, these days I doubt that's effective at all what with smartphones in abundance. Also wonder how many people near the window actually look out it at the ground.
  21. Yep, I got an Awakened one right on my border, decided to be their vassal and now it's pretty boring. I should probably stop playing with 2x habitability and 11 empires. But at least my borders look pretty.
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