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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Right. You send off the one that is pulling the other's hair, the one that is trash talking gets nothing. No wonder US Scocer sucks.
  2. Right. Just puzzling in a funny way, like some Canadian flying it. Granted some of those meshbacks are actually serious about identifying with "Southern culture". Makes no sense, but Canadians are a pretty stupid people, so...
  3. You didn't think that maybe he's worried that it will lead to vigilantism ? Or could just not be cool with such information being given out freely, that sword cuts many ways. As an aside, what the heck is with the Confederate Flag being used in a signature here ?
  4. Ah, I get a warm fuzzy feeling just seeing the box art for TIE Fighter.
  5. Probably just leave us with more.
  6. Meh, same ****, different year.
  7. As much as I find these dnd stories hilarious, I could never play in a group that this would happen in. It's my own fault for not broadening my scope of "fun". No, you're not playing with weirdos, that's all.
  8. I've been called racist for thinking Finn is boring and uninteresting. Which is kind of funny given my racial background Seems 'subverting expectations' was the only thing Rian Johnson can do : Leia, Finn/Rose, Luke. More I think about TLJ the more disjointed and rushed I think it was.
  9. Completely agree with this. If I were in charge I'd give all the police agencies in the country a choice: 1) Give up your firearms while on duty 2) Give up your qualified immunity. You cannot keep both. That's when you'll see police using non lethal means. They'll always have their "afraid for my life" defense, though
  10. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/12/kansas-mans-death-may-have-resulted-from-call-of-duty-swatting/ Swatting results in the expected happening. Of course someone can ask if the cop was justified, but given how terrified cops are by everything it'll be hand waved away
  11. ...Did you ever see a happy person on public transit? All the time. They're mentally ill, but still..
  12. ESB > ANH > RO = ROTJ > X-Wing Alliance = TIE Fighter Cutscenes > TLJ = ROTS > TFA > TPM > AOTC
  13. Well the comment about a list being BS is mandatory anytime anyone posts one
  14. Come on, it's not as bad as 1 and 2. I tried rewatching those and couldn't stop feeling embarrassed for everyone involved
  15. Smashed the Dutchlantis scenario in RT3, so almost done the campaign. Wonder if I should tackle the scenarios as well, just for completeness. Still do not have a full clue of what I'm doing in the game but what works works.
  16. Just in case you misunderstood, the UoI football stadium is directly adjacent to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, whos rooms overlook the playing field and stands. So that's why they are waving, to the sick children watching the game from their room windows. Yeah but relative to the others not all that positive. Also, what if the Iowa team sucks? That must be torture for the kids!
  17. Not sure Iowa fans turning and waving at a building belongs on that list
  18. Which decisions ? And by UN staff or things like the Five?
  19. Working from home today, so am watching the prequel trilogy to make it more painful
  20. The things I find wandering Youtube
  21. Lightsaber and some pyjama pants.
  22. Why would you want them at your place at the end of the night. Good way to get robbed. Best reason to cook is to just be able to feed yourself. Self reliance and all
  23. See, this is why drinking is overrated
  24. Failed in that Germany scenario. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but I guess a poor start is killing me. Guess I will just try to finish the game, have 4 scenarios left
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