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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Bob had a certain charm, so he takes it over her.
  2. Well, anything to justify a shrug of the shoulders , I guess.
  3. Well, every thing happens for a reason, doesn't hurt to look at why.
  4. Seems so, US sites have some decent deals. We get nada up here, alas.
  5. Doesn't seem so, well unless you're Icelandic - in that case you can serve. It's a weak form of conscription as well, you can conscientiously object and a bunch of stuff without citation says they only take the motivated.
  6. Browsing Cyber Monday deals, nothing good. Then again, not like I really need anything but it's always fun to think about getting new toys. A tablet would enhance the slacking at work though...
  7. Sure there is. Involves bootstraps.Just because a guy died we are to assume he was a poor, good fellow?How about he couldn't afford for the insulin because he blow all his money on booze and drugs? Or he refused to work because he was "to good" for work? Typical emotional response. Show you guys an article or a picture and you are ready with pitchforks and torches to tear down society. Nope not that. Just a snark at the typical unsympathetic response to the tweet. Point isn't really about the individual, in any case
  8. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/361750-trump-i-turned-down-person-of-the-year-honor-over-photo-shoot
  9. Well transparency is good and all. Sadly decent amounts of people are ****, so this information will be used to target people for abuse or scams.
  10. Quiet day at work, US markets close early today as well and most clients have the day off. Want to tear a coworker's face off if he keeps on making jokes about me not drinking, though.
  11. Can sell your account, possibly. Doubt the public can do it and make it stick. Need a bigger hammer, usually that is the government. People are only truly honest with a gun to their head. Certainly is a scummy practice, but not convinced it is gambling.
  12. Grabbed that as well. Later realized I own it already on Steam. Whoops. Ah well, the GOG version has the expansions. I've regressed in my old age, as I found SEIV confusing with all the buttons when I was an old hat at it back in the day, so hope I can get into this.
  13. Sure there is. Involves bootstraps.
  14. Finished off Saboeur, didn't do much of the freeplay stuff but that's all samey so no big loss, 84% of the missions done as well so I got a good bite. Fun game, well worth the $10 I paid for it, has a decent amount of charm and I even liked some of the characters. Grabbed Syberia 3, Mafia 2 and AI War off sales recently...wonder which one to start with
  15. List is in no particular order, but these ones always stick out in my mind X-Wing TIE Fighter Jedi Knight Grim Fandango Civ 2 Civ 4 SMAC Caesar 3 C&C C&C Red Alert 2 Star Wars Rebellion Rainbow Six Raven Shield Dungeon Keeper 2 Deus Ex Unreal Tournament Fallout Dawn of War 2 The Longest Journey Full Throttle Curse of Monkey Island Operation Flashpoint Starsiege Tribes Mechwarrior 2 F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 / F-19 WoW Edit : Forgot some
  16. Maybe you were pulling instead of pushing ?
  17. Is why I never go outside without my keys.,
  18. Have either of them said it's impossible to better their station, though ? Seems they have a pessimistic view (usually the correct one in things to have) but not defeatist. Again, it goes back to the curious way people like you see 'fair' vs their's, heh.
  19. Or just has a fetish for process.
  20. FREEDOM YESIt's about time the ISPs can throw off the oppressive yoke of their tyrant customers Still not understanding the reason why this change will make things competitive. Have heard NN is bad because some traffic deserves to be prioritized and NN will block that, but not sure I buy that. Corporations like people, need a gun to their head to be honest
  21. Giving Deserts of Kharak another go, they supposedly fixed the campaign bugs.
  22. What do you mean by synchronicity? Well, not a proper reference to the Jungian idea, but wasn't being entirely serious
  23. Just that I don't really see anyone arguing that "it isn't fair" that someone is doing better than others. Not really sure how we got on to the topic of why the poor are such from talking about why flat taxes are the best idea, either, heh. But fair to some is everyone is equal (and them poor people gettin' hand outs) but to others it's a narrower gap between rich, middle and working classes. Even in that hypothetical GD posed for whatever aim he had, have to agree luck is a bigger factor than it should be.
  24. Friend referred this to me, apropos of nothing - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/17/upshot/income-inequality-united-states.html Almost makes me believe in synchronicity
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