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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Don't ask too much
  2. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43666657 I thought the dog was just wearing a hat in the headlining photo.
  3. Seems a better approach. WoW forums are declaring this WoD 2.0, but that is meaningless
  4. CK2 is free until Saturday 10am PT - http://store.steampowered.com/app/203770/Crusader_Kings_II/ First hit is always free.
  5. Just in time for my birthday, w00t. Earlier than I had expected, have not been following people in the alpha to see what state it's in though.
  6. They did a poor job of hiding the treadmill in Just Cause 2. A lot like SR3 and SR4, that way, I guess. I really should try a Far Cry game, eventually, maybe will grab 1 or 2 on GOG when it's cheaper.
  7. No surprise these are his most popular videos
  8. Well, killing via mushroom is too subtle for the CIA, they'd probably bribe some Chechens to go level his entire block or something similar.
  9. That doesn't work as the kids are doing something rather than saying, just a different thing than the guy who got shot. Also all this talk has made me think of something. Time to unveil my most savage vengeance of all! :D
  10. Ok, so what's the problem ? He said the rote thing anytime calls anyone a hero (when was the last time someone said "yep, I am a hero" when asked that kind of queston ) And the other two decide to start a movement of sorts, good for them to not be lazy Internet activists.
  11. And how well they hide the grind.
  12. Ok, speaking up is whining, no exceptions.
  13. Uh, not sure if you've followed the news over the past decades, but in the Congo, it'd be an AK-47/M/74 or a FAL perhaps. As for protesting anything, that's not always whining. But some get upset for protests about things that aren't frivolous, I get some see the world ending as their nose, but is always curious to me. Same reaction to anyone going on strike, general reaction is one of disdain for them.
  14. Always find it curious how people get uppity over anyone else protesting literally anything. Also, it'd be an AR-15. But really a handgun is more ideal to shoot up a place with, easier to conceal and not like you really need the penetrative power of a rifle round. Ammo maybe but can always go Il Duce and carry 6 guns
  15. He needs to have them approved by The Party first.
  16. Spent the day trying to book passage to the UK. My return flight had me going to JFK, which from what everyone told me is some circle of Hell. Luckily I avoided that, next up is buying luggage. Bleh.
  17. NK had good relations with former Yugoslavia, that continued (for the lack of any real reason for hostility) when Serbia was reconstituted. The guy made, and maintained, a name for himself as a expert on military matters for decades and is tight with state security services, so was likely trusted to 'behave' through those channels. He was, according to my sources, the only foreign journalist accredited to cover the aforementioned military parade in Pyongyang. I have no doubt the North Koreans kept careful watch on him, but since he was a 'friendly' guest, they weren't as harsh as usual. I see, was just curious why he was treated that way. Reports on NK here seem to just play up on it being under a tight grip rather than being destitute. Or at least in the past 10 years.
  18. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/youtube-shooting-police-headquarters-california-1.4603582 Female shooter, that's new
  19. Wonder how he managed to get such freedom
  20. Still too expensive.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVv4IdGtcNw Must remember next time to turn this off when on a conference call.
  22. Ah, never mind. Does seem it will be deemed okay legally, see case of a couple of challenges based on the 4th amendment but most side with the school.
  23. Not really seeing the contradiction, at least from what they are campaigning on. Besides, that's a kind of security theater
  24. Since you don't want to debate with me again I guess. This Democrats vs Rebublicans party I feel neutral to since I am in Europe. USA people decide who is in power with elections. I do also want the best future for American people. I do know that Trump is Republician and everyone knows what CNN stands for not Republicians and CNN is very biased and not a neutral news source. However this concept Democrats vs Republicians that I live to the American people to vote for. I was going to explain it, but...nah
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