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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Bakery in town makes decent buns and pullman loaves, I chuck them in the freezer until needed
  2. I am finding it handy, granted it will be more so once my mechs stop having terrible fits (or I get a Catapult)
  3. Oh it's an art work? Well they should have said that higher up in the article
  4. So Jackson is no longer up for the VA job.
  5. Laughing as I screwed myself a bit by stripping my mech and then confirming that, so then I had to refit every weapon...62 days time, ouch.
  6. A sign of my skill that my pilots and mechs spend a lot of time out of commission. At least I got a neat decapitation of the Quickdraw when you get the Argo, so that was something.
  7. People are wanking over the cop's restraint when the cop just knew there was no gun. Toronto cops are just as likely to blast someone they don't need to as US ones, but Canadians need to brag about something. Guy's truly an idiot too, if he just had a kitchen knife he would have gotten his wish.
  8. Yep, he bought it on the first mission. Replaced him with Horseman...annoying woman that says "mmhmm" after every sentence
  9. All of Toronto is sad, apparently. Some dude ran over 25 people, killed 10 on Monday. Apparently was an incel type, I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise. At least he didn't get to die by a cop's bullet, so that's one bright spot.
  10. Only issue I had was getting stuck trying to create a profile, restart fixed that. Neg on any other issues though
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCCp3z7Zz4g
  12. Lot of DLC to milk people for with Battletech
  13. You have to click the hexagon near the weaspons and it'll show A, B, C.. and then that's how you assign a weapon to a target.
  14. Look at this dude with his first world Internet
  15. Had to go to the vet to see what the lump on my eldest dog is, hopefully is not a tumour or anything. Have the rest of the day off to clean and do the backlog of laundry, can download Battletech in the meantime.
  16. Bleh, so much for playing it tonight
  17. Missed this. Paradox sure does milk everything
  18. I guess so, I play them and don't get any sense of enjoyment.
  19. Got my GOG key, but alas I have to wait. Mind you, I doubt the game's going to be big enough to make pre-loading a concern (as opposed to another game I find it hard to spend the time downloading, Rainbow Six Siege )
  20. Sounds like they are following the books closely. I regret reading past the first book.
  21. I thought that was the sole reason that this thread existed? Because who needs well thought out arguments when you can jump to the ad hominem? /s - in case that wasn't obvious. I've yet to be convinced arguments are really worth it as people just talk past each other in these threads. It's the COD of the forums, each one pretty much same as the last one
  22. Thanks for the PTSD from remembering the damn Heigan dance and repeated wipes.
  23. Heatwave. It's not even 40 C !
  24. I was going to post that and fell asleep Satellite Reign that boring ? I should have waited, I bought that a year or so ago
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