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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well they did flesh out BJ in the newer games. I don't think the Doom guy got much in the new one other than killing lots of stuff to ****ty music, but I did not play it.
  2. DoomGuy was an actual element? Hm, ok.
  3. ICE won't be a fan of that.
  4. A bit STARSHIP TROOPER, innit? Marine Corps will need their own though.
  5. Well in the case of Doom, nothing is being destroyed.
  6. Seems like classic England
  7. How would you feel about dwarf Nazis in Wolfenstein ?
  8. Hopefully the Doom movie uses proper metal, not whatever that crap they used in 2016 game was.
  9. Works for games, why not movies
  10. Could be, usually have heard people talk about it from a social science POV, granted is the usual Internet nattering. Given the source material, who cares is probably fitting, Doom doesn't exactly have much to disrespect w.r.t it's plot and setting (Carmack's famous quote applies).
  11. Should be the losing screen in XCOM.
  12. No idea, never took social sciences. But when it comes to Doom, just that the change is really meaningless, all you need is hands for the guns and a voice to grunt with Wonder who'd think a movie about a guy solo'ing the legions of hell would be interesting for a movie, though
  13. Well, if it is Lara or Max it is different than silent faceless Doom or Quake guy. They need to make a Diablo film, though
  14. Doesn't seem like much of a problem. No character to begin with, no? Realism certainly won't be an issue considering the source material
  15. Usual greenhorn vs grognard type crap, as always.
  16. Was good to see Reus at last
  17. Germany playing awful. Lucky to get out of the group
  18. https://www.pcgamer.com/hands-on-with-turn-based-cold-war-spy-thriller-phantom-doctrine/
  19. Well they didn't lose, a point against Argentina is great
  20. Iceland getting it done
  21. CMI gave us Murray. And the pirate song. Therefore it is best.
  22. De Gea sucks.
  23. He wrote 'games' so seemed to imply all of the following ones.
  24. Wow, Costa with a hell of a goal AND he elbowed that scumbag Pepe in the throat. https://streamja.com/XQEo
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